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Discover: 3 insights from the A Broader Mind Community Event

Recently, the VU A Broader Mind Community Event took place on a somewhat unconventional academic location: the Amsterdamse Bos. An event that brought together teachers, education experts and students around the vision of socially engaged education, A Broader Mind. With the aim of engaging in dialogue with each other, it also provided inspiration for teachers who strive to create a deeper, more engaged learning experience. Here are 3 insights that emerged from this event.

“Step out of your academic ivory tower!”
The concept of reciprocity and listening to each other was central during the event: the interaction between education professionals, students, and the 'real world' - including mutual expectations - was recognized as important elements for the success of the vision. “A Broader Mind invites a look outward, to observe and listen to what is happening outside the university walls: what societal issues are currently present, and how does my subject relate to these issues? And above all: how can I activate my students to think critically and analyze problems independently?” a teacher noticed.

Jaro Pichel, teacher trainer and organizer of the event, hopes to build a sustainable community of engaged teachers within the context of the A Broader Mind vision with events like these: “The educational landscape is constantly changing, with new pedagogical methods such as Community Service Learning (CSL) or the Mixed Classroom model playing an increasingly essential role. The essence lies in collaboration with the educational community, creating a richer, more engaged learning environment for both students and teachers.”

People are casually talking while standing on a path with a group of equestrians in the background.

Available resources for you as a teacher
One of the much-discussed topics concerned the value and accessibility of A Broader Mind: “the vision is still often seen as a complex addition to educational practice,” observed one teacher. But fellow teachers who already integrate the vision into their courses emphasized its accessibility. This applies not only to teacher support, such as when integrating Community Service Learning or Mixed Classroom into your teaching practice, but also to informally incorporating the vision. For example, a fellow teacher remarked: “It doesn't necessarily require extraordinary effort and can also be achieved in simple ways. For example, by starting your class by introducing yourself and sharing something personal, which allows you to connect with your students. Or by asking critical questions to students during economics classes about profit, capitalism, and their significance in the contemporary world.”

What are the benefits for your teaching practice?
“By weaving societal issues into my subject, my teaching becomes not only more relevant but also more energetic and interesting for my students,” a teacher said during the forest walk. Ermelinda Jaku, VU education specialist and creative education developer of A Broader Mind Course, emphasizes that it promotes a deeper form of engagement and responsibility towards the learning content and contributes to the feeling of relevance of the subject. “Bridging academia and the 'real' world not only increases their motivation but also prepares them for the job market by developing important skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration.”

Galoeh Adrian Noviar, teacher and researcher in transdisciplinary learning: “For teachers, implementing the vision initially requires openness to change and willingness to explore new teaching methods. Although this may seem very time-consuming, there are plenty of resources and education experts available within VU to support them. It is an investment, but the result is definitely worth it: engaged and motivated students.”

Questions or want to learn more about the vision? Visit the A Broader Mind homepage or contact Jaro Pichel:

“A student is more than a consumer of education. A student shapes education. Alone? No, not at all. Together with the teacher. A Broader Mind creates space for this connection. The student is seen as someone with their own qualities, developments, and uncertainties.” Noah Rookmaaker, student-staff

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