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Reference check as part of pre-employment screening

Last updated on 13 December 2024
The application process may involve a reference check. The reference check involves making contact with one or more referee(s) in order to obtain information that is relevant to the position the candidate is applying for. The aim of the check is to verify whether the referee confirms what the candidate has said about his/her knowledge and experience, and what he/she has indicated about his/her abilities.

To avoid catching the applicant unawares with a reference check, the vacancy text might mention the fact that this is part of the application procedure, or the candidate will be informed of this during the job interview. This will give the candidate sufficient time in which to decide who might be a good referee and to approach that person in this regard. The vacancy holder or manager calls the referee him/herself, because the vacancy holder knows best what is being sought in a candidate. During this talk, only questions that are relevant to the position are asked.

Basic principles

  • The aim of the check is to verify whether the referee confirms what the candidate has said about his/her knowledge and experience, and what he/she has indicated about his/her abilities.
  • Only questions that are relevant to the position of the applicant are asked.
  • Questions relating to matters such as religious affiliation, plans to have children and absence through illness may not be asked.
  • The outcome of the reference check is not added to the candidate’s digital staff file. The outcome must be shared with the candidate if he/she requests this.

For your own use, record the following for every reference check:

  • Name of candidate
  • Position in referee’s organisation
  • Organisation
  • Name of referee
  • Position of referee
  • Reference requested by
  • Date of reference

Sample questions

Factual questions

  • In what position was [name of candidate] employed?
  • For how long was [name of candidate] employed in the referee’s organisation?
  • What is/was your relationship with [name of candidate]? Were you colleagues or were you the manager?
  • For how long did you work together?
  • What did [name of candidate]’s job description include?
  • What were [name of candidate]’s responsibilities in the position of [name of position]?

Substantive questions

  • How would you describe [name of candidate] in three or four keywords?
  • How would you describe the performance of [name of candidate] in general?
  • What do you consider his/her strengths?
  • What do you consider to be points for improvement?
  • How would you rate the motivation, effort and dedication of [name of candidate]?
  • Would you employ [name of candidate] again?

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