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Other Legal Concerns for Research

Last updated on 3 May 2024
In addition to privacy concerns related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there may be other legal or contractual concerns that you need to address prior to starting your research. These legal concerns may apply even if your data are not subject to the GDPR.

For most other legal concerns that arise from your research, you can get support from Information Exchange Amsterdam (IXA).

In addition to support with research valorisation and impact, IXA can assist you with:

  • Legal considerations involving intellectual property, data ownership and data licensing. These concerns may come up when sharing data with external parties, or when using data provided by an external party, particularly when data sharing agreements need to be drawn up or reviewed.
  • Setting up research contracts with third parties, such as consortium agreements.

Faculty researchers also need to be aware of the legal requirements for medical research. If you are conducting medical research on human subjects, you must assess how your research is defined under Dutch law. You must also determine whether any other medical research laws or regulations apply. It's possible that more than one law or regulation may apply to your research.

If you need further guidance on this topic, you can contact the faculty's Scientific and Ethical Review Board (VCWE) or the Amsterdam UMC’s Medical Research Ethics Committee (METC).