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Responsibilities of Management

Last updated on 5 April 2024
Many managers fulfill the managerial task alongside other tasks. For example: research, education, valorisation, or if you are a service provider, next to substantive tasks in your field. The art is to fulfill these task areas in a balanced way next to each other. Make sure you have a good balance in your division of attention, but also in how you continue to develop in all areas.

You will find such information about education in the Education Framework, and about leadership in the Management Framework. 

Responsibilities of management 

For more information about your tasks as a manager, via this click panel on Responsibilities of Management, you will be introduced to the four task areas, with the most common management themes. Each click will reveal more background information on this theme, and in a number of cases ‘take action now’ buttons, that allow you to perform specific activities. 

Management Framework  

Leadership requires different emphases and qualities at every organisational level. What is expected of you and what do you need to fulfill the role at your level in the right way? To provide clear answers to these questions, the Management Framework has been developed. It gives you insight into your various managerial responsibilities and your career and training opportunities as a manager. Whether you spend one day a week on managerial tasks or whether you work at it full-time.  

At VU Amsterdam we distinguish 4 managerial levels. Each level assumes specific tasks and responsibilities in the following managerial task areas: People Management, Financial Management, Process Management and Strategic Management. Not everyone grows to the highest level, but it is helpful to know which tasks are important at which level and how we divide the responsibilities.  

Leadership VU

How do you keep all the balls in the air? Watch this inspiring video as a (new) manager and see how you can make a difference at VU Amsterdam.  

Learn more about management and leadership:

Rolien Walinga

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