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Flipped Classroom

Last updated on 16 May 2023
With a "Flipped Classroom", students will study the material prior to class in order to work on it in more depth during the class or lecture.

The Flipped Classroom is an educational concept. It is generally used for students who are preparing for a lecture or work group (on campus or online) in order to acquire basic knowledge of a topic.

This knowledge can be acquired by, for example, studying knowledge clips, answering questions specifically about the study material and solving "basic problems". The teacher will give clear instructions as to what needs to be studied and what level of mastery of the knowledge is expected in order to successfully participate in the class session.

A very suitable digital online tool to let students prepare for an educational meeting is FeedbackFruits. With Feedbackfruits you create attractive interactive digital assignments with a rich form of feedback and peer feedback. The online programme Perusall can also be used for this.

This is followed by lectures or work group meetings, in which the focus is directly on going in depth. Either by immediate processing of more complex or difficult problems by the teacher or by direct assignments for the students. In any case, the basic material is no longer repeated by the teacher.

There are many learning activities that can be part of a flipped lecture or flipped study group to achieve depth. These include discussions (in various forms, e.g. Think-Pair-Share), debates, voting on statements, question and answer sessions, demonstrations, problem solving, simulations, peer tutoring and peer feedback and role playing.

A teacher can choose to flip only a few classes each term - where the concepts lend themselves to active learning experiences - or to flip all classes.

Want to know more? Have a look at the following resources