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Karen Verduijn develops entrepreneurship education

Last updated on 27 October 2022
Contemporary problems require creative thinking, which is why Karen Verduijn of the School of Business and Economics, is developing new entrepreneurship education.

According to Karen Verduijn, current entrepreneurship education is too focused on starting up a business, while entrepreneurship is also needed in a broader sense for creative solutions to contemporary problems such as those related to climate. Together with colleagues from across the EU, she draws inspiration from other 'cool' pedagogical concepts such as critical, eco and radical pedagogy. This in turn raises new questions such as: What if the teacher steps out of the expert role? How do you create more ownership among students? What already exists in the field of entrepreneurship in education? The research by Verduijn and colleagues is still in progress, but in this video she shares their new insights:

  • Entrepreneurship at university should be seperated from business creation and be placed in a more global context.
  • Getting started with local initiatives and diversifying experiences.
  • Encouraging: social, environmental and alternative thinking.

Entrepeneurship Education

Entrepeneurship Education

Watch the pitch

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