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Jorim Tielbeek's students design fresh new courses

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Last updated on 8 October 2022
Improving education or designing new courses - in his course Rebuilding Education, Jorim Tielbeek does this together with his students.

What would education look like if students were more involved in its design? This is what teacher and neuroscience researcher Jorim Tielbeek is researching in his course Rebuilding Education in the VU Anders programme. He wants to get students more involved in developing and improving education at VU University. During the course, he asks students what they need, what topics they find important and which courses they would like to improve or create themselves. This is how his second-year students developed the subject Law & Love - Rebuilding justice, for their third year of study. How refreshing!

Rebuilding Education

Rebuilding Education

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VU Education Lab is part of VU Centre for Teaching & Learning.