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VU teacher Christine Moser on active blended learning

Last updated on 16 March 2023
Students work in groups on a selection of literature and then exchange their knowledge - active blended learning according to Christine Moser, Associate professor of Organizational Studies at the School of Business and Economics.

Her practical example is about activating students by first having them study different selections of literature in groups. She then mixes the members of the different groups so that each student can act as an expert for the others in the second group, on the source they studied in the first group. This is a good and practical example of the Jigsaw method. Another nice application of the Jigsaw method was done by junior teacher Stefan van Raaij and can be found on this Canvas Online Education page.

Inspiration video Christine Moser

Inspiration video Christine Moser

Does the video not work? Watch it via the VU Amsterdam youtube channel.

Read about Christine her research on the VU Research portal.

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