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Pest control

Take action now
Last updated on 12 November 2024
Information about pest, pest control and/or report (traces of) vermin.

Have you noticed pests or vermin such as mice, flies, ants or wasps? Pass this on to FCO Service desk (020 - 598 5777) or report it using the "Take action now" button on this page. If you do not have a VUnet ID, use the external Serviceportal to make a report.

We aim for the buildings at VU Amsterdam to be as ‘mice-free’ as possible. To do so, it is crucial that each person handles food items and rubbish responsibly, because mice are not only attracted to food, but also to packaging to hide in or make nests. You can contribute to a clean study and work environment by keeping in mind the following measures.

Help us get rid of vermin

  • Report traces of vermin immediately.
  • Keep any food items or leftovers in closed containers that vermin cannot get into.
  • Throw away leftovers and packaging in a rubbish bin with a lid, or tie a knot in the rubbish bag and deposit it in a toilet bin. These have a lid and are emptied every day.
  • Return food trays to the restaurant immediately after use and make sure they are empty.
  • Please have the catering service pick up any leftovers on the same day. If this is not possible, deposit them in a rubbish bin with a lid.
  • Remind others of the correct ways to handle food items and rubbish. Together we can ensure that the campus remains a clean and pleasant environment.

Monitoring and additional measures

Reports on pests are immediately passed on to the pest control company OBN (Ongedierte Bestrijding Nederland), a professional partner that is in the lead in terms of sustainable and environmentally friendly pest control. OBN is present at VU Amsterdam every day to check for vermin and assign additional measures if necessary. By practicing the abovementioned measures, VU Amsterdam can refrain from deploying poisonous traps.

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Please contact the FCO Service desk

VU Main building KC01b
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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