IXA-GO supports research grants and valorisation of your research. Such as grants, starting a start-up or protecting your innovation.
For more information about the department go to the IXA-GO main page.
IXA-GO supports research grants and valorisation of your research. Such as grants, starting a start-up or protecting your innovation.
For more information about the department go to the IXA-GO main page.
Meet the IXA-GO team.
Bettina Zijlstra
Head Department IXA-GO, Areas of focus: KTO director, Funding, valorisation and impact
Berno Bucker, PhD
Interim Head of Demonstrator Lab & Business developer Behavioural and Movement sciences , Focus areas: Psychological sciences, Movement science, Educational Science, Artificial Intelligence, Expertise: Business development, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Societal Impact, Knowledge transfer, Licensing, Intellectual property, Partnerships and Collaborations.
Peter Cirkel
Business developer Science faculty, Areas of focus: Funding, valorisatie en impact
Alba Herranz de la Nava
Business Developer Movement Sciences en MedTech, Areas of focus: Funding, valorisatie en impact
Maurijn de Heus
Impact and business developer, Focus areas: Humanities, Religion and Theology, SSH-domain Expertise: Business development, Societal Impact, Entrepreneurship, Community building, Knowledge transfer, Licensing, Intellectual property and Patents, Partnerships and Collaborations, Startups
Dalila el Ouarrat
Business developer Health & Life Sciences, Areas of focus: Funding, valorisatie en impact
Ties van Rappard
Business developer Beta faculteit, Focus areas: Beta & Social Sciences Expertise: Translating academic research and innovations to viable market propositions, Intellectual property and Patents, Licensing, Spin-off creation, Assessing Societal Impact
Kira Temme
Business Developer/Impact Developer Social & Behavioural Sciences, Focus Areas: Funding, Valorization and Societal Impact
Jan van de Loosdrecht
Intellectual Property and Innovation Manager, Expertise: Intellectual Property and Patents, IP training, Patent Searches, Licensing, Knowledge transfer
Pim de Boer
Senior Strategy Policy Advisor, Aandachtsgebieden: EU affairs and policies; Aurora
Martijn van Houten
Grants compliance officer, Legal Entity Appointed Representative and Signing Official, Areas of focus: providing support on all EU-awarded grants during the GAP-phase and post-award issues (e.g. amendments and other irregular issues), providing support by filling out annual forms which are neither financial nor legal (e.g.: commitment forms, financial questionnaires, due diligence forms, (sub)recipient annual audit forms, SF-425, W8Ben, etc.). Primary audit contact HEU. Managing and running VU-wide accounts (providing user accounts and assign roles) on several different submission platforms (ERC/MSCA/Erasmus, NIH, DUS-i, amongst others)
Sedef Iskit
Grant Advisor, Areas of interest: National and International grant opportunities. Additional task: Privacy Champion. Specialised in: Horizon Europe Pillar 2, ERC, EIC, NWA-ORC. Working groups: Aurora RI WP2 co-lead, ODC Institutional Affairs, ARMA-NL Standing Committees: Roadmap NL, Professional Development for Grant Advisors, Knowledge Exchange - Meetings.
Marco Last
Grant Advisor, seconded to University of Humanist Studies in Utrecht , Areas of interest: National and International grant opportunities. Specialised in: NWO VENI/VIDI/VICI, ERC StG/CoG/AdG, MSCA PF, NWO-SGW Open Competition, Grant Writing Workshops.
Karin Rade
Grant Advisor, Areas of interest: National and International grant opportunities. Specialised in: MSCA DN and PF, Horizon Europe Pillar 2, ERC, NWA-ORC, Gravitation. External Working groups: EU-LO, EU cluster 5 and MSCA. Additional task: Prizes and Awards.
Fleur Verbiest
Grant Advisor, Areas of interest: national and international grant opportunities. Specialised in: ERC en MSCA-Doctoral Networks and Postdoctoral Fellowships. I am a co-organiser of the annual VU-wide ERC program (StG & CoG). External working groups: EARMA Impact, UniLiON Excellence. Additional task: Communication.
Scott Hayes, PhD
Grant Advisor, Areas of interest: National and International grant opportunities. Specialised in: NWO VENI/VIDI/VICI, ERC StG/CoG/AdG, MSCA PF, NWO-ENW Open Competition
Jitendra Badhai, PhD
Grant Advisor, Areas of interest: International and national grant opportunities; Funding, Innovation, Valorisation & Impact; Entrepreneurship & Startup. Specialized in: ERC (StG/CoG/AdG/SyG/PoC), KWF, Eurostars, & NIH grants.
Paul de Vries
Programme Manager Public Private Partnerships, Areas of interest: partnership building & management, transdisciplinary collaboration, funding & valorization.
Louis van Beek
Margreth Liefting
Management assistant Innovation Exchange Amsterdam - Grants Office (VU IXA-GO)
Caroline Kleine Staarman
PR Manager, Areas of focus: Evenementen, workshops en communicatie
Miriam Tijs
Communications and marketing officer
Anna Ressa, PhD
Biotech Booster TC4 Manager – Diagnostics & Services, Areas of focus: Life Sciences, diagnostics, valorisation, and impact
Eva Moreno Iglesias, PhD
Biotech Booster Business Developer TC5– Vaccines, Small Molecules and Platform Technologies, Areas of focus: Life Sciences, funding, valorisation, and impact
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