As a society, we are constantly discussing what kind of society we want to be, what we consider of (public) value and under what conditions: what we do and do not want to be part of the 'public domain'. We are making heavy demands on leadership and public management and so managers of public and non-profit organisations are increasingly in the spotlight. As a society, we expect them to carry out public tasks such as care & welfare, education, housing and security in a sustainable manner while creating public values. And this within a context of decreasing legislation, regulations and accountability systems.
This requires leaders to be able to deal with complexity, to possess sector-specific as well as non-sector-specific knowledge, to respond flexibly to the dynamics of the environment and to function successfully in non-hierarchical contexts, such as networks and chains. At the same time, they have to cope with both an increase in scale and a local focus and are expected to inspire themselves, their employees and their environment. And all this more and more in an international context, where many decisions are taken in Brussels.
Who is this Public Leadership training for?
The programme is meant for managers and professionals in the public sector with the necessary experience and leadership qualities, who are looking for a further deepening of public management that challenges, surprises and pushes their boundaries. They don't find this enough in daily practice.
What does this Public Leadership course offer you?
- You will develop your theoretical knowledge of public leadership and public management. We distinguish a number of knowledge areas such as leadership theory, organisational ecology, strategy development, change management, ethics and value creation, public governance, public finance & control, EU as a strategic factor.
- Learn to use existing leadership models and theories critically and in a well-considered way.
- Develop your ability and skills to deal with complexity and continuous change.
- Become aware of ethics and responsibility as a leader.
- Develop yourself in self-knowledge and reflection.
- Learn to inspire others.
The Public Leadership training is offered in Dutch, please consult the Dutch website to find out more.