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The public controller's political-administrative context

Public Control, Governance & Administration

The controller profession is fundamentally different in the public and non-profit sectors compared to the private sector.

Als public controller opereer je in een politieke en bestuurlijk-economische omgeving waarin je moet kunnen schakelen tussen complexe aandachtsvelden. Je wordt geacht niet alleen op een financieel gezonde organisatie te kunnen sturen, maar ook op het behalen van maatschappelijke doelen. Deze dynamische politieke en bestuurlijk-economische context staat centraal in de module Public Control, Governance & Administration.

As a public controller, you operate in a political and administrative-economical environment where you must be able to transition between complex focus areas. You are expected to aim for a financially healthy organisation, as well as for the completion of societal goals. This dynamic political administrative-economical context is key in the module Public Control, Governance & Administration.

Public Control, Governance & Administration at a glance

  • Duration: Four months on Tuesday afternoons and evenings (2.00 - 9.00 PM)
  • Cost: €4.995
  • Starting month: September
  • Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / online 

This module is part of the postgraduate Certified Public Controller (CPC) programme at VU Amsterdam.


Would you like to find out more?

Please feel free to contact us

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105

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