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The Shield of Organisational Integrity

Executive Master Compliance & Integrity Management

Compliance serves as a shield for an organisation, safeguarding it against both external and internal risks. This encompasses addressing potential misconduct in employee behaviour while also upholding the core principle of integrity.

Compliance ensures the safe pursuit of an organisation's primary goals. It addresses issues that might either directly or indirectly jeopardise the organisation's ‘license to operate’. However, compliance doesn't merely equate to adherence to legislation and regulations. On one hand, such a viewpoint is too broad because not all rules and regulations fall within the purview of compliance. On the other hand, the view is too limited because compliance extends beyond legal mandates. It encompasses the codes of conduct and internal agreements that an organisation commits to voluntarily.

The current landscape is shifting, with society mounting more and more demands on organisations and organisations creating self-imposed integrity standards. These measures aim to combat the risks that have surfaced over the past years. Within this evolving context, the role of the compliance professional is becoming increasingly multifaceted. Harnessing technology has become essential in navigating these new challenges. And as technological advancements redefine possibilities, it's pivotal for compliance professionals to stay informed. While they needn't be tech experts, they should be well-versed in the available tools and understand how to leverage them effectively for Compliance and Integrity Management.

Compliance & Integrity Management is an intensive 2-year postgraduate programme. Alternatively, there is also an option to follow one or more modules rather than the full programme.

Discover the other modules

Executive Master of Compliance & Integrity Management 

Module: Organisational Culture & Behavioural Risk

Module: Enterprise Risk & Compliance Management

Module: Regulatory Impact & Organisational Reponse

Module: Data, Evidence & Compliance

FEC-Risk Expert


Discover Compliance & Integrity Management, study at VU Amsterdam

Do you have any questions or need personal advice?

Feel free to contact Emiel Erbé at tel: 020 - 5982509 or via e-mail:

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105

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