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Certified Management Accountant

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

The complete CMA program consists of two parts. The program is updated every five years to ensure that the competencies covered are still relevant for today’s finance professionals. Together, the two parts cover 12 topics which are all part of the VU CMA Program.

CMA Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance and Analytics

  • Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (20%)
  • Performance Management (20%)
  • Cost Management (15%)
  • Internal Controls (15%)
  • Technology and Analytics (15%)
  • External Financial Reporting Decisions (15%)

CMA Part 2: Strategic Financial Management

  • Decision Analysis (25%)
  • Corporate Finance (20%)
  • Financial Statement Analysis (20%)
  • Professional and Business Ethics (15%)
  • Investment Decisions (10%)
  • Risk Management (10%).

The percentages behind the topics indicate the weight for each topic per exam. More details about the content and topics of the new CMA Program is covered in the Learning Outcome Statements and Handbook.

Both the exams of CMA Part 1 and CMA Part 2 are four hour exams, taken in a Prometric Test Center. Each exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (3 hours) and essay questions (1 hour). Candidates can start with either Part 1 or Part 2.


CMA Part 1:

  • Brigitte de Graaff CMA, CSCA, program director CMA, assistant professor Management Accounting at Vrije Universiteit
  • Dr. Niklas Meyer, assistant professor Financial Accounting at Vrije Universiteit
  • Dr. Wendy Günther, assistant professor Information Systems and Data Analytics at Vrije Universiteit
  • Drs. Albert Bosch RA, Partner at V&A Accountants & Advisory, specialized in Compliance & Internal Control

CMA Part 2:

  • Brigitte de Graaff CMA, CSCA, program director CMA, assistant professor Management Accounting at Vrije Universiteit
  • Drs. Frank Muusse CMA, CFM, Head of Treasury at C&A
  • Drs. Robert Faber RC, PhD-candidate Management Accounting at Vrije Universiteit, experienced corporate financial and investment advisor
  • Drs. Urjan Claassen RA RE CIA, Partner at Clascon, expert in Risk Management 

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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105