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Certified Management Accountant

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

The English version of the CMA review course is open to non-Dutch speakers with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Business, and who work in Accounting, Business or Finance.

The CMA certification shows proof of a candidate’s knowledge and competencies in the Management Accounting field. Requirements to enroll in the CMA program are:

  1. Two years of relevant work experience
  2. A bachelor’s degree of an accredited college or university

Please check whether your college or university is included in this list. If not, let us know by sending in your application, so we can check with IMA if they accept the degree from that institution.

Candidates are expected to have a thorough knowledge of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Financial Management. On average, candidates with an accounting degree or a business administration degree finish their studies within one year.

Candidates must submit the application form for CMA Part 1 before January 15. For CMA Part 2, candidates must apply before September 1st. Candidates can start either in September or in January.

Application forms must be sent to

Practical information

  • Admission

    The CMA certification shows proof of a candidate’s knowledge and competencies in the Management Accounting field. Requirements to enroll in the CMA program are:

    • Two years of relevant work experience; 
    • A bachelor’s degree of an accredited college or university. 

    Please check whether your college or university is included in this list. If not, let us know by sending in your application, so we can check with IMA if they accept the degree from that institution.

    Candidates are expected to have a thorough knowledge of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Financial Management. On average, candidates with an accounting degree or a business administration degree finish their studies within one year. 

  • Cost

    Tuition fees

    CMA Part 1, Financial Planning, Performance and Analytics : €1,750* (no VAT and including the Gleim CMA Review system)

    CMA Part 2, Strategic Financial Management: €1,750* (no VAT and including the Gleim CMA Review system)

    Literature costs

    The Gleim CMA review books are used during this course. These books (€250 per part) are included in the tuition fee. The review books will be given to the candidates during the second class in September or January. This also includes access to Gleims Mega Online Test Bank, which contains thousands of multiple-choice and essay questions as well as detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answers.

    One additional textbook is recommended (the latest edition of Horngren’s ‘Cost Accounting’). This book can be bought at the VU Bookstore. The price is approximately €75; CMA students get a discount of 15%.

    IMA fees and exam costs

    Separately from the tuition fee for the VU CMA review course, candidates should we aware that IMA charges certain membership and examination fees which are not included in your tuition fee. These costs are:

    IMA Lidmaatschap: $295*
    CMA Entrance Fee: $300*
    Examengeld CMA Part 1: $495*
    Examengeld CMA Part 2: $495* 

    *Prices are subject to change

    IMA payments require a credit card from the candidates.

  • Start date

    January (CMA Part 1) and September (CMA Part 2). 

    Candidates can start with either Part 1 or Part 2.

  • Study advice

    For an individual consultation/advice, you can make an appointment with ms. Brigitte de Graaff, program director of the CMA Program.

  • Time investment

    Lectures will be held on Monday (English) or Wednesday (Dutch) evenings from 18:45-21:15. Each part takes approximately 15 weeks with 2,5 hours of in-person, class training each week. Depending on previous education and work experience, self study will take up between 5 to 7,5 hours a week. In addition to regular weekly studies, most candidates need up to 50 hours of study to prepare for each exam.

  • Application and deadlines

    Sign up!

    Candidates must submit the application form for CMA Part 1 before January 15. For CMA Part 2, candidates must apply before September 1st. Candidates can start either in September or in January.

    Application forms must be sent to

Would you like more information?

Please contact us

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105