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PPE Diploma requirements

Applicants holding a non-Dutch pre-university diploma must meet a number of requirements to be eligible for admission to the Bachelor's programme Philosophy, Politics and Economics. In this list we have included examples of diplomas that meet the PPE admission requirements.

Admission requirements

For more information about the academic requirements, selection criteria and application procedure you can check the PPE admissions page.

The current list is applicable only for 2025-2026 (applications from 1 October 2024 onwards). Please note that our diploma list may be updated for future intakes. No rights can be derived from this list and the final decision on admission to the programme will be determined by the PPE Admission Board and the International Office.

How to determine if you meet the requirements

Below you can find a list of examples of accepted diplomas.
Is your diploma not included? Then check our diploma list to find out if your diploma is evaluated as being equivalent to the VWO level. 

A final decision will only be taken after you have submitted a complete online application for admission. As the admissions process for PPE is selective, meeting the academic requirements does not guarantee that you are accepted in the programme. The selection committee evaluates your application file as a whole, considering all factors.

The only way to determine whether you are eligible for admission is by submitting an official application via Studielink and providing all required documentation in the application section of the VU Dashboard. After submission the International Office will evaluate your documents to determine whether your diploma is equivalent to the Dutch VWO-diploma and whether your Mathematics level and GPA is sufficient. If already obtained at the moment of application, you are also asked to submit proof of sufficient proficiency in English (you can find all accepted tests, exemptions and scores on our Language Requirements webpage).


You can send an e-mail to the PPE International Student Advisor via


  • Europe


    Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore / Diploma e Maturës Shteteröre Profesionale

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 8,0Followed up until and including final year or as electives Yes


    Reifeprüfung/Matura awarded by an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule/Realgymnasium

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 2,0 or “Ausgezeichnetem Erfolg"Profile with MathematikExempt in case of English as Lebende Fremdsprache as part of the final examination (Reifeprüfung) with a minimum grade of 2,0 or ‘Gut’


    • Algemeen Secondair Onderwijs (ASO) 
    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 71/100 or 15/204-uursvariant wiskundeExempt in case of a minimum final grade 70/100 for English
    • Certificat d’enseignement Sécondaire Supérieur
    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 71/100 or 15/20stream mathematics and/or scienceYes


    Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, Academic stream from a gimnasia or a sredna obchschoobrazovatelna uchilishte

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 5,0Profile Mathematics/Informatics, Natural Sciences or Foreign Languages with Mathematics Intermediate level or Advanced level taken up until the final year (grade 12)Yes

    Czech Republic

    Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 2 (Chvalitebný)Followed up until and including final year with a final min. grade of 2 (or chvalitebný); OR followed up until and including final year incl. Maturita in Mathematics with a grade of 3 (or dobry)Yes


    Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Overall grade 4 and at least 70% in a min. of the 3 Riigieksamitunnistus (State examinations)Broad or Extensive up until and including final yearYes


    Baccalauréat Général

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 13,5Mathématiques complémentaires or specialité in the final yearYes
    N.B. Students in the OIB or BFI (British/American) are exempt if a passing grade for English is obtained.


    Zeugnis der allgemeinen of fachgebundenen Hochschulreife

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 2,0Mathematics Grundkurs as Prüfungsfach or Mathematics erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau (eA)/LeistungsfachExempt in case of a minimum grade 11/gut for either English Grundkurs as Prüfungsfach in the Abitur, or English at advanced level (erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau (eA)/Leistungsfach).


    Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 4,0 over final two years including at least 5 matura examsFollowed up until and including final yearYes


    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    B3/H3 + min. 380 CAO pointsHigher LevelExempt if the diploma was obtained in Ireland


    Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo, awarded by a Liceo classico/Scientifico/Linguistico/Scienze Umane

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 84Mathematics in the Liceo Scientifico or Liceo Classico streamYes


    Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Overall GPA of 7 (Labi) in final year + average of 70% for all State Exams State exam with min. grade 50%Yes


    Brandos Atestatas from a Gimnazija or Licejus including 3 State Matura Exams in extended A (isplestinis) level subjects with a minimum of 36% in each subject 

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 8.0 (school grades) + an overall average score of at least 80% for 3 state exams on A-level (and min. 36% per exam)Mathematics extended A (isplestinis) level + State Matura Exam in Mathematics with a minimal score of 50% Yes


    Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego + Świadectwo Dojrzałości (maturity certificate)

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 4 (dobry) + at least 67% overall on the Matura examsAdvanced/Extended level Matura exam in Mathematics with minimum grade 40%Yes


    Diploma or Certificado Nivel Secundário Educação - Cursos Científico-Humanísticos (CCH) 

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Profile Ciências e tecnologías OR Ciências socioeconómicas with média final of min. 16/20Matemática A with a min. grade of 12/20 in year 12Yes


    Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej skúške awarded by a Gymnázium

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Maturita exams with overall GPA of at least 2 (Chválitebný) or 65%Maturita in Mathematics with a min. grade of 50%Yes


    Spričevalo o Splosni Maturi from a Gimnazia

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Overall GPA of 4 in final year + overall grade of 22 for the Matura examsMatura exam in Mathematics with a passing gradeYes


    Bachillerato (Titulo de Bachiller) and the PAU/EBAU/EvAU exams

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Overall minimum GPA of 7.2 for Bachillerato + overall min. 7.2 for the PAU/EBAU/EvAU exams in the fase obligatoriaMatemáticas aplicadas a las ciencias sociales or Matemáticas II exam in the PAU/EBAU/EvAU with minimum grade 5Yes


    Högskoleförberedande Examen från Gymnasieskolan with one of the programmes mentioned on this website

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 17,1/CMathematics 3To be confirmed


    Maturity Certificate / Maturitätszeugnis / Maturitätsausweis / Certificat de Maturité

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 5,1Mathematics as Grundlagenfach in final yearYes


    Diplomă de Bacalaureat - academic stream

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 9.0Sciences Profile: Mathematics/Informatics or Natural SciencesYes

    United Kingdom

    For VWO level: At least 3 GCE A-levels (A2) in general, academic subjects with an A*, A, B or C grade + 3 GCSE’s with grade A*, A, B or C/grade 4-9 in six different subjects, incl. English and Mathematics.
    Examples of accepted A-level subjects: All Languages*, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Latin, Law, Literature, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics

    *A maximum of 1 GCE A-level in languages is accepted. 

    GPAMathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    B (with BBB as the lowest possible combination)
    • 3 A-levels in academic subjects grades BBB incl. A-level Mathematics
    • 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. maths grades BBB + A-level Mathematics grade C
    • 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. mathematics grades BBB  + Online Mathematics Placement Test - OMPT-A - minimum score 70%
    Exempt if the diploma was obtained in the UK. Otherwise see: International A-levels
  • North America


    High school diploma (accredited by an official US education board) with at least 4 College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exam certificates, with minimum grade 4 for at least three AP's and no score lower than 3. Please upload a digital copy of your AP score report if you have already obtained any AP results at the moment of applying.

    GPA (last 2 years of high school)MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    B+AP Calculus AB or BC, minimum grade 3Exempt if the diploma was obtained in the USA.
    In case of a high school diploma obtained outside of the USA an exemption only applies to students with an AP exam English Language and Composition or English Literature and Composition minimum grade 3
  • South America


    Surinamese VWO Diploma

    GPAMathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    7.0Wiskunde QTo be confirmed
  • International

    European Baccalaureate

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum GPA of 8.0/80%3 periods MathematicsExempt with English L1 or L2, minimum grade 6

    International Baccalaureate Diploma

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    Minimum of 31 points excl. TOK and Extended EssayMathematics SL/HL, Applications & Interpretation HL, Analysis & Approaches SL/HLExempt if language of instruction is English

    International A-levels

    At least 3 GCE A-levels (A2) in general, academic subjects with an A*, A, B or C grade 

    GPA MathematicsEnglish language test needed?
    B (with BBB as the lowest possible combination)
    • 3 A-levels in academic subjects grades BBB incl. A-level Mathematics
    • 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. maths grades BBB + A-level Mathematics grade C
    • 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. mathematics grades BBB  + Online Mathematics Placement Test - OMPT-A - minimum score 70%
    Exempt if an A-level English Language or English Language & Literature is obtained with minimum grade B

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