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Carla – master’s student in Business Administration

“I can't help you; please contact customer service". If you’ve ever talked to a chatbot, this sentence probably sounds familiar. And frustrating. Carla, a master's student in Business Administration (specialising in Digital Business & Innovation) researched in the ChatLab whether empathic language used by a chatbot can make a difference. And it turned out that expressions of empathy increase customer confidence in unsuccessful conversations.

Qualitative research. Only people can do that. Right? ChatLab shows that even chatbots can do this work.

Qualitative research. Only people can do that. Right? ChatLab shows that even chatbots can do this work.

Although chatbots are not completely independent researchers, they can contribute to qualitative research. The ChatLab research project has shown that chatbots can successfully complete qualitative interviews. But how human-like can and should a chatbot be? In the 2.0 version of the research project, master's students from various disciplines built on the results of their predecessors. They looked at the design of the bot, its empathic language use, and people’s perceptions of it, among other things. With each new group of students, we’re one step closer to advanced robots that collect rich data. A collaboration between man and machine.

Table card with the text ChatLab

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