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How reasoning helps you discern right from wrong

Sem01 (2024-2025) The Good, The Bad & The Science

How do you know what is true and how do you know what is false?

We live under the impression that certain things are true and other things must be false, but how do we know this with such certainty? To reason successfully requires understanding why something is true or false. This course helps you develop your reasoning skills, teaches you how to self-reflect and change your views when needed, and guides you in how to assess your own knowledge and that of others.

For more information and course details, go to 'Curriculum' at the top of the page.

Comments from students

Comments from students

"I think this course is very useful for everyone, both in and outside the scientific field. It has taught me a lot about critical thinking and logic, which is very applicable in all sorts of daily life situations."

"Furthermore, the lectures were fun because of the lecturers, and the multiple guest lectures were very interesting as well!" 

"The knowledge is useful and relevant in the modern world as well as can be applied in various areas of life."