Throughout the course a scenario unfolds. A scenario that, similar to real-world scenarios, from the first to the last lecture will largely remain obscure. But what you can be sure of, is that you will be invited to critically explore, study and respond to different and pertinent aspects of climate change and conflict. On various occasions students are to take different roles, and in preparation of their roles, have to follow guest lectures by experts and assess different strands of literature and train different presentation skills. Based on the knowledge and skills obtained during the course, students will inter alia make a media-production, write and present a policy-document and write and present a final assignment which encourages to take on an introspective perspective. In this course you will discuss and apply concepts from climate science, criminology, migration studies, psychology, security studies and law.
Important to take into account:
- This course is equally attractive for students with and without a background in roleplay. No prior theatre experience is needed. All students receive an introductory training on theatre skills, a safe social environment will be created and roleplay will not be numerally graded.
- On Wednesday 11 December a half-day field trip to a location that is later to be disclosed is part of the programme.