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Get acquainted with a new world

So you’ve graduated from Ancient Studies—now what? Most Bachelor’s graduates choose to continue their studies, but you can also work in a range of different positions.

Cultural and societal questions are impacting our community more and more and demand new points of view. The political sphere, the business sphere and the public sector all have a great need for critical long-term perspectives on cultural matters in and around Europe. The interdisciplinary programme in Ancient Studies forms an excellent preparation for a career in managerial, cultural and educational positions that deal with such matters.

You can also opt to pursue academic research as a career.

What can you do after your Bachelor’s degree?

Further your education

Your Bachelor’s degree in Ancient Studies gives you access to the English-language Master’s programme offered jointly by VU Amsterdam and the UvA under the auspices of ACASA:

Classics and Ancient Civilizations

You can also opt for a Research Master’s Classics and Ancient Civilizations, the teacher training Master’s (in Dutch), or another Master’s offered at VU Amsterdam, UvA or another university.

Start your career

With a Bachelor of Ancient Studies degree, you are well-suited to all sorts of positions requiring an academic level of thinking and working. Graduates typically work in:

heritage institutions
publishing companies and other media
government organisations
academia (initially as a PhD student)