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The Ethnographic Impact Lab (eLAB)

Ethnographic Impact

A cutting-edge platform for fostering academic-societal connections between researchers, communities, policy makers and change drivers. Check out the navigation menu below!

At The Ethnographic Impact Lab, organized by the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Vrije Universiteit, we try to answer the question – “What is the importance of Ethnographic research?”. Aimed at designing collaborative projects that benefit the communities we study, we focus on ensuring our research has a positive and tangible impact on society.  

More than your ordinary lab – we are a vibrant close knit community of interdisciplinary researchers, educators, students, stakeholders and beneficiaries who believe in fostering partnerships for meaningful Social Impact.  

Join us in advancing ethnographic methodologies and fostering inclusive development for a more equitable and sustainable society 

Check out our Launch Event and Highlighted Projects

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  • Medha Guru
  • Co-Coordinator Etnographic Impact Lab