We are in an inactivity pandemic worldwide and the Netherlands is even the European champion of sitting still. The consequences of prolonged inactivity are not amiss. We are at greater risk of neck, arm and shoulder complaints, as well as diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, depression, cancer and even premature death. VU is also part of the sitting culture that has almost replaced natural exercise worldwide. And we want to change that!
Get up and move!
Fortunately, the solution is quite simple: get up and move regularly. VU in Motion aims to get staff and students to move a bit more on and around the VU Campus. Not with one-off activities or incentives, but with structural opportunities and facilities. It has been scientifically proven that (more) exercise leads to (more) physical and mental health. If you are in motion every half hour, you are not only less likely to get sick, but also more likely to have more energy, be in a better mood and experience focus and have a better weight.