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Walking Tour: the Bustling Campus

The Bustling Campus route takes you through 13 locations within the Main Building, the New University Building and on campus.

Locations walking route:

  1. Book shop. Enter the Main Building and immediately head left.
  2. Student Wellbeing Point
    Head farther into the building keeping left from the white desks at the entrance. You will pass the student administration after which the Wellbeing Point is to the left.
  3. StudentenDOK
    Head back and take the first corridor to the left. You will pass the back of a large lecture hall. At the end of the corridor, take the first opportunity left.
  4. Pantheon
    Being on the first floor, move towards the right side of the building towards the wooden construction at the end of the hall.
  5. Roof Garden
    Head back to the stairs which are next to StudentDOK. Move up the stairs until you find a door that leads outside.ake the stairs down again and exit to Campus Square. Turn right to the NU building.
  6. Grand Cafe LIVING. Inside the NU building is Grand Cafe LIVING (formerly The Basket).
  7. Theatre Griffioen. In this building you will find several theatre spaces. Check the signs to find them!
  8. Theatre Rialto. And the same goes for the cinema!
  9. Mindfulnest. On the first floor of the NU building in 1A-49 is the Mindfulnest (currently under construction)
  10. Bar Boele. Go down the stairs again. At the exit to De Boelelaan you will find Bar Boele
  11. Art Science Gallery. Leave the main building and go towards the NU building. To the left of the entrance you will see the Art Science Gallery through the windows.
  12. Sportcentrum VU. Walk on past the entrance to the covered bicycle shed and enter the OZW building, aka the Red Pieper. Walk past the lifts and find Sportcentrum VU on your left. Leave the OZW building and walk towards the campus square. 
  13. 3D. Head towards the supermarket about halfway down. Then look to your right.

Walking Tour: the Bustling Campus: description

  • 1. Bookstore

    When the Free University was still located in the city centre, many professors bought their books from bookshop and antiquarian bookshop "Het Narrenshyp". This shop was located in Molsteeg, right behind the Palace on Dam Square. The idea of the bookseller, Mr Rienks, to start a bookshop in the Vrije Universiteit's new building was warmly welcomed by the then Board of Governors. The shop opened in the Provisorium in October 1967. A temporary accommodation on the site where the NU building now stands. When the main building was ready, the bookstore moved into the space in the main hall, where it still sits today after 55 years.   

    The shop grew into a full-fledged campus bookshop. Besides textbooks for students of all faculties, the shop sold novels, professional literature and, of course, many stationery items from the very beginning. In recent years, the VU Bookshop has also become the place to go for jumpers, mugs and so many other items with the logo of the Vrije Universiteit on them. A replica of the famous green 'VU money box’ is also for sale in the shop. They notice at the VU Bookstore that all students are becoming increasingly proud of 'their' university, as it is not only more foreign students who want a jumper, but everyone wants to be seen with something with the VU Griffin on it.  

    Since 1981, the VU Bookstore has also been publishing books under the name: VU University Press. This publishing house publishes about 25 academic publications a year. What started as a publishing house for dissertations has grown into a small specialist publishing house that publishes books in the fields of religion, social sciences and medicine.  

    Today, the VU Bookstore is still a family business. Pier Rienks, the founder's son is still working in the business every day, together with 15 colleagues.  

    The shop is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. On Saturdays from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. We welcome everyone to the VU Bookstore. 

  • 2. StudentenD0k

    The StudentenD0k is located on the ground floor of the main building in the D-wing, across the Coffee Corner behind the glass doors. The D0k houses different kinds of student associations and provides meeting and event spaces. Our associations range from student associations for sports, consultancy, culture, and diversity, but also the SRVU student union, the USR (University Student Council) and VU Campus Radio.  

    For more information and a full lists of all the D0kusers, check out:    

    The D0k is managed and coordinated by the SRVU Student Union. The SRVU is an independent student organisation that fights for the rights of students, accommodates student initiatives at the VU and provides services such as free legal aid. You can find our studentdesk and offices at the D0k for any and all questions about the D0k or our union work, everyday from 11am till 5pm. You can also check out our instagram @srvubond or our website for more information, or email  with your question. 

  • 3. Student Wellbeing Point

    In the Fall of 2021, the Student Wellbeing Point opened its doors as a student-led initiative: for students by students, without appointment, and completely anonymous. Our university has a lot to offer for students, but this multitude of options can lead to confusion about where to go, while most students remain unaware of our services, communities, and events. The SWPoint aims to connect this information to the right students by opening up this conversation, so everyone can actively participate to boost their wellbeing and prevent unwell-being. From Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, our trained students help their peers with wellbeing-related questions. In an informal setting, students can find a safe space to take a breather, find more information about other VU services (e.g. the Student Psychological Counselors), and/or have a helping conversation with a cup of tea. We hope to help students with this low-threshold approach, to inform them, and bring them into contact with the right people within VU, and, if necessary, direct them to wellbeing resources outside of the university. As you can see from our location, we have compiled a lot of information about what the VU offers, actively promoting the wonderful work being done by our colleagues at VU, such as Life is Better in 3D, NEWConnective, and the Mindful Library. Since its inception, the SWPoint has become a fixed service at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, here to stay indefinitely. Apart from our physical location we are also reachable through our livechat on (during opening hours), our email (, and Instagram (@thestudentwellbeingpoint). 

  • 4. Pantheon

    Come and experience Pantheon. The question is not what you look at, but what you see... This work by artist Henk Schut is part of the University Library's project Re:book. 

    The inspiration for this installation is the personal stories of VU students, researchers, lecturers, and staff, who tell about a book that inspires them. On the outside, a circular bookcase. On the inside, a place you can retreat to. An 'in-between space' where you can listen and open up to the stories of (fellow) students and researchers and the accompanying world of sound. At intervals, voices will chime in, telling about a specific book. At other times, you will hear an emerging audio world. The constantly changing and varying soundscape stimulates the imagination. Upon leaving the Pantheon you may see the campus in a new light.  

    How did we select the books for this artwork? 

    Books and magazine bindings make up a large part of this artwork. Some books are part of the shell, while others are meant to be read and taken away. Books as a building material and as a source of inspiration - two ways in which little-read books are given a second life and contribute to a lively and inspiring campus. We only used books from the library collection that are no longer relevant to current educational and research needs. New publications, examination literature, and recently borrowed books remain in the library collection. 

    Showcase for scientific knowledge  

    The University Library is the quintessential showcase of scientific knowledge. Although this is more and more provided digitally, books still continue to play a critical role. For many, books symbolize spiritual enrichment, curiosity, stories, and knowledge. That is why the University Library is looking for new ways of presenting its 30 kilometers of books to the public. With project Re:book, we hope to raise awareness for the growing range of services the library offers to its users.  

    New approaches  

    Too many works gather dust in the holding stacks, while they still merit an (academic) audience. Project Re:book makes these books more accessible and presents them more prominently to the public. We do this by experimenting with new formats on presenting books and knowledge for example, by offering students and other groups the role of co-curators for different themed libraries around campus. In addition, we give the library collection a new lease of life in art and organizing activities around books, such as the Blind Book Date, Open Mic Nights, Book Presentations, Book Clubs, and workshops on making Little Free Libraries. Project Re:book hopes to provide a platform where students and others can meet and connect around their mutual interest in books. 

  • 5. Roof garden

    VU's main building has several roof terraces. Probably the most spectacular are those on the 15th floor and near the church hall and the garden on the roof of the D wing, where the administration resides. According to the architects, Christiaan Nielsen and Rob Poel, these were intended as an outlet to the outside world and a welcome addition to the cramped campus grounds. They also believed that a 'little park' would be the best way to make the roof of the low-rise building waterproof and walkable. The term seems a bit exaggerated, but not when you consider that the roof garden created in 1973 covered the entire administration wing, including a 'walk' around the assembly of the auditorium. Thus, on the south-west side there was a view over the courtyard of the - as yet undeveloped - campus, on the north side over the (now almost fully developed) green strip with sports fields as well as the courtyard with the amphitheatre. But the roof garden itself was also meant to look out, especially from the A-tower of the main building (fig.). From above, the geometric layout was easy to see and formed a more pleasant sight than a bare roof. 

    Actually, the roof garden was more like a roof terrace, as the mainly low plants were in containers, not a ground layer. Most of the roof was covered with concrete 'paving stones'. 

    The terrace proved such a success that it was temporarily closed as early as 1975 because too much clutter was left behind. In 1982, the curtain fell for good when a leakage was detected in the boardrooms below. On the initiative of student union SRVU, the current terrace was set up on a smaller area with a grant from the municipality and opened on 13 May 2013. 

    Image from: brochure Hoofdgebouw Vrije Universiteit, Architektengroep 69 Groenhout, s.d. [ca. 1973]

  • 6. Grand Cafe LIVING

    Grand Cafe LIVING is part of the BHG (Brothers Horeca Group) and is the Grand café on campus where you can come for a bite to eat during your break or after college. Grand Cafe LIVING is open Monday to Friday from 11:00-20:00, with the kitchen closing at 19:00. 

    Grand Cafe LIVING has something for everyone, so the menu includes luxury sandwiches, burgers chicken satay, but also salads. Thus, the menu also features plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. Besides lunch and dinner dishes, there is also a nice drinks menu, among which the Macho Nacho is very well-known among students! Of course, you can also just drop by here for a nice cup of coffee, cappuccino or tea with a piece of cake. 

    Many students meet here before or after college or to celebrate the exam weeks, for example. Grand Cafe LIVING is suitable for any occasion to get together. You can also use WiFi for free!  

    Besides being great fun to come to Grand Cafe LIVING for drinks, there are also students who work here alongside their studies. As an employee, you get a 20% discount during your visit. In addition, you can earn 100 euros if you bring in an employee. Only on requests from larger parties will Grand Cafe LIVING be open on weekends, otherwise you will only work on weekdays! During your shift, you will be reimbursed for a meal.  

    Note: Grand Cafe LIVING (formerly The Basket) has moved from the campus square to The NU Building.

  • 7. Griffioen

    At Griffioen you can let loose! Not only do we have a versatile theatre programme, you can also come to us for creative courses.   

    In our theatre you will find everything from cabaret to theatre, music and dance, from big names to new talents. Some of our performances are in English or language no problem, so you can also plan a fun night out with all your international friends. 

    In terms of courses, we offer everything from dance to music, mindfulness, drama, writing, photography, painting and much more. Most courses are taught in both Dutch and English.  

    Student discount  

    As a student, you always get a discount at Griffioen. Even if you do not study at the VU. For Griffioen, you are a student if you are a full-time student at an MBO, HBO or WO institution in the Netherlands (so not from abroad), or a part-time or premaster student at the VU. So you can go to the theatre with all your friends at a bargain price! Moreover, as a student you will have priority on specially selected performances.   

    Info and tickets  

    Keep an eye on our newsletter to keep up to date with all our offers, for theatre performances and creative courses on campus. Check the current theatre or course programme at  


  • 8. Rialto

    Did you know there is a film theatre right in the middle of the VU campus? With four beautiful, spacious movie theatres, Rialto VU is there for students and, of course, for local residents in Buitenveldert, the Zuidas and Amstelveen. 

    Enjoy modern classics, special arthouse and docu films from all over the world, special series and film evenings run by student platform LA RIOT!  

    By the way; as a VU student, you get a fat discount on your film ticket? Check for more info and follow us on Instagram @rialto_film! 

  • 9. Mindfulnest

    Do you find it difficult to take time for yourself? Do you need a mindful pause, or a responsible way to take a break from studying? Would you like a stress-free space to work on skills that will benefit your studies and private life?

    Starting the 30th of May, VU Amsterdam will offer you the opportunity to use The Mindfulnest. In this lovingly created, stimulus-free space, you are the main focus. You can nestle down and relax in your own way in a cabin that is specifically designed for this purpose. Here, you can catch your breath, listen to the meditation and mindfulness exercises offered, sit in silence or use your own meditation app. It’s a place where you can recharge, refocus and reduce stress.

    You will find The Mindfulnest in study room 1A-49 on the 1st floor of the NU building.

  • 10. Bar Boele

    Fancy a drink or a bite? Come join us at Bar Boele, the café run by Rialto VU cinema and VU Griffioen theatre and courses. Bar Boele is your international living room on campus - a place to meet new people or to hang out with friends whilst enjoying a nice, cold beer and a real Dutch "bitterbal" (or a vegetarian "bietenbal")! If you want to grab a bite, you can also order a grilled cheese sandwich, French fries or nachos. There is even an outdoor seating area where you can enjoy a nice cocktail on hot summer days. At Bar Boele, you can always go for a (TGIF) drink with your fellow students or colleagues and enjoy fun activities, such as a pub quizzes, open mics, and more. Find us at the entrance of the NU building. 

  • 11. VU Art Science gallery

    The VU ART SCIENCE gallery was established in late 2021 to connect art, science and current affairs. As a broad university, VU University Amsterdam encourages the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge to contribute to solutions to current issues in our society.  

    The symbiosis of science and art inspires awareness to reflect on the unique possibilities of new thought-provoking ideas about human evolution and the previously unseen wonders of our world and the universe: artist Wanda Tuerlinckx 

    Places like the VU ART SCIENCE gallery serve as a safe inspiring space and an oasis in the university where we can reflect on our deepest life questions such as; what makes us human and why do we exist. prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram (Professor, Hindu Spirituality and Society, Faculty of Religion and Theology, VU). 
    The sleek presentation space focuses on art and encourages scientists from different fields of research to respond to it. In addition to the exhibition, artists, scientists and the public will engage with each other in the ART SCIENCE dialogues. There will also be numerous activities programmed in and around the gallery that further explore the various themes, from workshops with artists, to performances and screenings.  

    The VU ART SCIENCE gallery is open free of charge to all interested parties, both from inside and outside VU, and is run by students of the university who receive and guide visitors.  

    The gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday between 12pm and 6pm. The gallery host will be happy to tell you more about the exhibition and the artworks. Follow us on Instagram or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about our programme. Visit our website for more information   

  • 12. Sportcentrum VU

    Sportcentrum VU is part of Student and Education Affairs of VU Amsterdam. While VU stands for education and research, it also stands for the broader development and well-being of its students and staff. Both Sportcentrum VU and cultural centre play an important role in this.

    Sportcentrum VU has modern facilities and a wide range of sports where everyone can exercise in a varied way under expert guidance and in a pleasant atmosphere. It is a place where you can exercise at any level and with any goal, where you can work on vitality and have unforgettable experiences.

    The team at Sportcentrum VU is committed every day to contributing to the vitality and happiness of VU students, staff and all other interested parties.

    For more info, see here.

  • 13. 3D

    Fun that I (the student that does the communication for 3D:) got to tell you something about 3D! If I must start somewhere, I should start with the most important rule of 3D: everyone is welcome! It doesn't matter what your origin is, what language you speak, what study you do or, for example, what your sexual orientation is, there is always room for you in 3D!  

    Maybe it is also nice to tell you what 3D stands for and what Life is Better in 3D is, because people sometimes get confused between the two. 3D stands for Debate, Dialogue and Diversity and is the debate center of the VU. Events of 3D are therefore often conversations or activities about, for example, social problems and therefore more serious subjects.  

    In times of corona, the awesome people who work at 3D found out that there actually is a great need among students to be able to do social activities on campus that are really purely for fun. International students had in particular a hard time forming friendships in a new country during the covid period and they often did not know very well where they could do fun things in an unfamiliar city. 3D was thrown open for activities such as painting and board game afternoons and that's how Life is Better in 3D was born, because life really is better in 3D than via zoom (2D, you get it;). 

    Now, in 2023 and corona is over, Life is Better in 3D luckily stayed and even more students are joining us every month to do fun activities together. We have an excellent Life is Better in 3D team with students Ferdi and Camee who supervise the activities and always come up with new events. Painting, bowling, board game evenings, mindfulness and yoga workshops, game events, open mic nights, a ceramics workshop: and many more events take place monthly in 3D and most events are free! Would you also like to try out an event?  

    You can check our Insta for the events and for joining a WhatsApp group if you want and come by: we're at the corner of the spar near the stairs (you've probably walked past us unsuspectingly a lot of times) ;)! 

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