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Become a Green Ambassador

At the Sustainability Office VU and Green Office VU, we believe that every employee, regardless of organisational unit, has the power to make a positive impact on the environment. Our mission is to empower and inspire individuals from all areas of the university to become ambassadors of sustainability and drive meaningful change within our institution and beyond. This way we can make VU more sustainable every single day. With the Green Ambassador Programme, we aim to establish green teams throughout our entire organisation.

"Why would I want to become a Green Ambassador?"
Together we can make VU a better place. By becoming a Green Ambassador you can make a change within your faculty or service. Here are some benefits that might encourage you to become part of the movement:

  1. Exchanging knowledge and best practices. Green teams meet up regularly to share their progress and exchange ideas. VU wide sustainability topics are also discussed within this group. 
  2. Networking. Joining a green team is great for your network. You might meet new people from your own department that are interested in sustainability and you will meet people from other departments through the Green Ambassador Meetups.
  3. Personal growth. Develop your personal and professional skills while making a meaningful difference within our institution. Enhance your problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and resilience as you tackle sustainability challenges specific to VU.
  4. Lasting impact. By joining or starting a green team, you will make tangible and lasting impact on VU's sustainability goals. By becoming a Green Ambassador, you will contribute to a collective effort to reduce our environmental footprint, foster a culture of sustainability, and create a greener future for the entire VU community.

"What does a Green Ambassador do?"
Green Ambassadors talk about sustainability issues with colleagues from their own service or faculty. You meet regularly with colleagues to discuss sustainability topics, create sustainability policy and possibly organize events for your own faculty or service. 

"My faculty or service does not have a green team, can I start one?"
Definitely! And we are happy to help you with that. Through our broad network, we are able to connect you to sustainability interested people at your faculty or service. We can help you set up a team and get started.

"How do I become a Green Ambassador?"
Interested in becoming an ambassador yourself? Great! It is possible that there is already an existing team at your faculty or service. We can connect you to the contact persons from the different teams. If there is no Green Team yet, we will help you to start your own green team. 

Please indicate your interest to become a Green Ambassador through emailing us. FSR members can contact the Green Office via and VU staff can contact You can also get in touch directly with our Sustainability Community Manager, Manon Swart:

Shall we have a coffee sometime?

Shall we have a coffee sometime?

My name is Manon and I'm coordinating the Green Ambassador Programme. My goal is to meet sustainability interested people at VU and more importantly: to bring them together. I believe working on our sustainability goals together is crucial for reaching those goals - and it's way more fun than doing it on our own. Shoot me a message if you are interested in the Green Ambassador Programme. I would love to meet you! 

Existing Green Teams

Together, we are working towards a more sustainable VU!

Feel free to contact us 
