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PhD students

The current PhD students of the Department of Mathematics at VU Amsterdam

The PhD alumni and their theses can be found here.

PhD students

Contact details, research interests, supervisors. In alphabetical order by surname.

Lindsey van der Aalst

Dynamical systems, Computer assisted proofs, Supervisor: Jan Bouwe van den Berg

Nazanin Abedini

Data assimilation: shadowing, Kalman filter, Particle filter, Supervisor: Svetlana Dubinkina

Nazanin Abedini

Parissa Akefi

Early Automatic Detection of Discourse in Information Voids on Social Media, Supervisor: Sandjai Bhulai

Rebekka Arntzen

Data-driven optimization for a vital elderly care system in The Netherlands, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Rene Bekker, Bianca Buurman-Van Es

Lies Beers

Spectral theory of (hyper)graphs, Supervisors: Raffaella Mulas

Etienne van de Bijl

Machine learning in cybersecurity and social network analysis, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei and Sandjai Bhulai

Hanneke de Boer

Mathematical Network Analyses, Supervisors: Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei, Roy Lindelauf

Tim de Boer

Data-driven optimization for a vital elderly care system in The Netherlands (DOLCE VITA), Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Rene Bekker, Bianca Buurman-Van Es

Aafko Boonstra

Forensic probability and statistics, Supervisors: Ronald Meester, Klaas Slooten

Ronen Brilleslijper

Floer theory: covariant field theory, mirror symmetry, Supervisor: Oliver Fabert

Ronen Brilleslijper

Fabio Buccoliero

Geometric topology: Topological graphs, Supervisor: Senja Barthel

Fabio Buccoliero

Samuel Castelo Mourelle

Algebraic topological methods for dynamical systems, Supervisor: Rob van der Vorst

Francesca Cavallini

Mathematical Neuroscience, Uncertainty Quantification, Supervisors: Daniele Avitabile and Svetlana Dubinkina

Alain Chavarri Villarello

Formalizing diophantine algorithms, Supervisor: Sander Dahmen

Yoram Clapper

Routing and scheduling in home health care, Supervisor: Ger Koole, René Bekker

Yoram Clapper

Marc Corstanje

Statistics: Statistical inference for Markov processes, Supervisor: Frank van der Meulen

Riya Dogra

Geometric Topology : Knots, Braids and Topological graph theory, Supervisor: Senja Barthel

Bengi Dönmez

Network Dynamics, Phase Reduction, Supervisor: Bob Rink

Dirk Doorakkers

Spatio-temporal canards and delayed bifurcations in continuous neurobiological networks, Supervisor: Daniele Avitabile

Jasper van Doorn

AI-Boosted Integrated Production and Transport Optimization, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Joost Berkhout

Maarten Droste

Mathematical Biology: Control of maximal growth rate by single-celled organism, Supervisors: Bob Planqué, Joost Hulshof

Kevin Duijndam

Price Optimisation, Reinforcement Learning, Business Analytics, Supervisors: Ger Koole, Rob van der Mei

Elisabeth Fokker

FTMaaS project, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Elenna Dugundji

Arwin Gansekoele

Machine Learning for Combatting Cybercrime, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Mark Hoogendoorn

Elena Garlati

Large Language Models for forecasting, Supervisors: Sandjai Bhulai, Ger Koole

Witek ten Hove

Optimization, Supervisor: Ger Koole

Hilde Hummel

Machine learning algorithms for underwater acoustics, Supervisor: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai

Michael Jung

Differential topology, Supervisor: Thomas Rot

Michael Jung

Jullian van Kampen

Models for predicting effects of subway stations on multimodal connections and neighbourhoods in urban areas., Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Elenna Dugundji, Eric Pauwels

Jeroen van Kasteren

Operation Research and Business Analytics: Queueing Theory, Reinforcement Learning, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Supervisors: Ger Koole, Sandjai Bhulai

Jeroen van Kasteren

Sophie Klumper

Customized and coordinated solutions for congestion bottlenecks in networks, Supervisors: Supervisors: Guido Schäfer (CWI), Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai

Leon Lan

AI-Boosted Integrated Production and Transport Optimization, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Joost Berkhout

Britt van Leeuwen

Developing and evaluating new methods for the use of artificial intelligence in the context of intelligence services, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai

Adel Magra

Bayesian statistics for semiparametric inverse problems, Supervisors: Harry van Zanten, Eduard Belitser

Maria Mahfoud

Berend Markhorst

Robust, effective and adaptable ship design, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Joost Berkhout, Jeroen Pruyn (TU Delft)

Luminita Maxim

Statistics: Statistics for Neuroscience, Statistical Inference for EEG/MEG Functional Connectivity , Supervisors: Rikkert Hindriks, Mathisca de Gunst

Luminita Maxim

Dennis Nieman

Variational methods in Bayesian statistics, Supervisors: Harry van Zanten, Botond Szabo (Bocconi University)

Jesse Nagel

Customized and coordinated solutions for congestion bottlenecks in our infrastructure, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Guido Schäfer

Mathijs Pellemans

Deep Learning for Supply Chain Optimization in the Mobility Industry, Supervisors: Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei, Jesper Slik

Yura Perugachi Diaz

Machine learning for seed processing, Supervisors: Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei

Casper Putz

Number theory, Supervisor: Sander Dahmen

Yasmin Roshandel

Operations research and AI in supply chain optimization within the mobility industry, Supervisor: Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei, Jesper Slik

Robin van Ruitenbeek

Computer Vision for the Automotive Industry, Supervisors: Sandjai Bhulai, Ger Koole

Salim Salmi

Using mathematical modeling for improving the support of suicide crisis counselling, Supervisors: Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Renske Gilessen, Saskia Merelle

Eric Sandin Vidal

Dynamical Systems, Supervisor: Jan Bouwe van den Berg

Erica van der Sar

Learning and Stochastic Optimization for Power Networks, Supervisors: Alessandro Zocca, Sandjai Bhulai

Davide Sclosa

Structure and Dynamics of Network Dynamical Systems, Supervisors: Bob Rink, Chris Bick

Alba Sendón Blanco

Algebraic Topology, Homotopy Theory, Cobordism, Category Theory, Supervisor: Renee Hoekzema

Yury Tavyrikov

Mathematical statistics, e-values, multiple testing, Supervisor: Rianne de Heide

Michail Tsironis

Cluster algebras, Supervisor: Ilke Cankci

Michael Tsironis

Alexandra Vegelien

Quantile regression methods to high-dimensional statistical models, Supervisor: Wessel van Wieringen

Lais Wehbi

Reinforcement learning and its applications to mobility-related problems, Supervisor: Sandjai Bhulai, Jesper Slik

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