Alumnus/Alumna | Advisor | Thesis title |
R.J. Arntzen (2025) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Optimizing flow in the healthcare system for older adults |
S. Salmi (2024) | van der Mei, Gilissen | From words to actions: natural language processing for suicide prevention helplines |
Y. Clapper (2024) | Bekker, Berkhout | Model-based optimization in home healthcare |
M.A. Corstanje (2024) | van der Meulen, Schauer | Guiding techniques for conditioning Markov processes |
P.H.C. Putz (2024) | Dahmen, de Jeu | Enumeration of local and global étale algebras to generalized Fermat equations |
Y. Perugachi Diaz (2024) | Bhulai, van der Mei | Generative modeling and neural compression |
M.T. Dietrich (2024) | De Gunst, Dobler | Statistical inference in survival analysis via wild bootstrap |
R. van Leeuwen (2024) | Koole, Belitser | Data driven strategies in hospitality |
N.G. Lamoree (2023) | van der Vorst, Fabert | Pseudoholomorphic curve methode for infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems |
P.E.R. Roos Hoefgeest (2023) | van den Berg, Botnan | Topologically optimal bounding chains for persistent homology and novel persistence modules for both static and dynamic data |
G.A. Berkelmans (2023) | van der Mei, Bhulai, Gilissen, Schweren | Turing and Van Gogh walk into a bar: A computatiinal approach to suicide research |
J. Pries (2023) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Fundamentals of data science: a new outlook |
J. Klein (2022) | van der Mei, Bhulai, Hoogendoorn | Molding the Symbiosis between Human and Machine: Contributions to Anomaly Detection, Model Evaluation, and Active Learning |
M. van Straaten (2022) | Ran, Theron, Janse van Rensburg, Groenewald | H-selfadjoint roots of H-selfadjoint matrices and H-polar decompositions over the quaternions |
T. Koch (2022) | van der Mei, Dugundji | A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Transportation Mode Behavior |
C.A.M. de Ruijt (2022) | Bhulai, Koole | Algorithms in E-recruitment Systems |
J.S. Slik (2022) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Data driven mobility |
D. Huizing (2022) | van der Mei, Schafer, Bhulai | Median Routing Problems: Integrated optimisation of network maintenance and emergency response |
J. van Langen (2022) | Dahmen, de Jeu | Automating the modular methods for Q-curves to solve Diophantine equations |
W. Hetebrij (2021) | van den Berg, Rink | Parameterization for center manifolds: existence, rigorous bounds and applications |
J. Storm (2021) | Bhulai, Mandjes, Kager | Stochastic traffic flow models |
B. Sollie (2021) | de Gunst | Statistical inverse problems for population processes |
B. Zweers (2021) | Bhulai, van der Mei, Schaefer | Optimization of hinterland container transport |
R. Nolet (2020) | Hulshof, Prokert | Mathematical modelling of fungal hyphae |
M. Aflakparast (2020) | de Gunst, van Wieringen | Statistical learning of networks from heterogenous data through mixture models |
B.H. Bakker (2019) | van den Berg, van der Vorst | Nonlinear waves in local and nonlocal media |
E. Queirolo (2019) | van den Berg, Rink | Following periodic orbits through bifurcations |
G. Overal (2019) | Hulshof, Planque | Predicting optimal strategies for microbacterial metabolic pathways |
R. van de Geer (2019) | Bhulai, Den Boer | Data driven pricing & optimization |
N. Nurushev (2019) | Belitser | Robust inference for projection structures |
D. van Leeuwen (2019) | van der Mei, Nunez-Queija | Stochastic modelling and control of road traffic congestion |
M.C. ten Thij (2018) | Bhulai, Koole | Social data analysis: dynamics of real-time data |
A. Hristov (2018) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Performance models for analysis and control of IT systems |
C. Groothedde (2018) | van den Berg, Rink | Computer assisted proofs in dynamics and delay equations |
E. Nijholt (2018) | Rink, van den Berg | Bifurcations in network dynamical systems |
R. Sheombarsing (2018) | van den Berg, Rink | Validated Chebyshev-based computations for ordinary and partial differential equations |
M. van Buuren (2018) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Efficient planning of ambulance services: theory and practice |
H. Knoester (2017) | Meester, Hulshof | Probabilistic lifetime prediction with application to high-performance p-aramid fiber |
T. Kerkvliet (2017) | Meester | Uniform Probability Measures and Epistemic Probability |
J. Wisniewska (2017) | van der Vorst, Pasquotto | Rabinowitz Floer homology for tentacular Hamiltonians |
P. Hafkenscheid (2017) | van den Berg, van der Vorst | Computing Braid Floer homology |
P. Vis (2017) | van der Mei | Queueing networks with multiple customer types |
D. Sierag (2017) | van der Mei | Revenue management in the hotel industry: from practice to theory |
R. Konijn (2017) | Kok, Koole | Detecting interesting differences: data mining in health insurance data using outlier detection and subgroup discovery |
C. Jagtenberg (2017) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Efficiency and fairness in ambulance planning |
T. van Barneveld (2017) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Relocation algorithms for emergency medical services |
J. Pecanka (2016) | van der Vaart | Multi-step statistical methods for simultaneous inference in genetics |
M. Kruijver (2016) | Meester, Slooten | Stochastic aspects of familial searching |
S. Ding (2016) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Workforce management in call centers: forecasting, staffing and empirical studies |
D. Moeke (2016) | Koole, Verkooijen | Towards high-value(d) nursing home care: Providing client-centred care in a more efficient manner |
M. Onderwater (2016) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Network of sensors - operation and control |
H. Rabe (2015) | Ran | Aspects of Toeplitz operators and matrices: Asymptotics, norms, singular values |
B. Ros (2015) | de Gunst | Stochastic modeling and statistical analysis of EEG-fMRI data |
R. Conijn (2015) | van de Berg | Planar Critical Percolation: Large clusters and Scaling limits |
T. van den Brug (2015) | Meester | Percolation, loop soups and stochastic domination |
F. Phillipson (2014) | van der Mei, Bhulai | Efficient Algorithms for Infrastructure Networks: Planning Issues and Economic Impact |
M. Remerova (2014) | Zwart, Foss | Fluid Limit Approximations of Stochastic Networks |
M. Lis (2014) | Meester, Camia, Kager | The Kac-Ward approach to the Ising Model |
G.G.R. Leday (2014) | van der Vaart, van de Wiel | Statistical Modeling and Inference for Genomics: Data Integration, Shrinkage and Network Reconstruction |
T. Rot (2014) | Vandervorst, Pasquotto | Morse-Conley-Floer Homology |
J. Bosman (2014) | van der Mei, Nunez-Queija | Optimal Quality of Service Control in Communication Systems |
M.M. Zaal (2013) | Hulshof | Variational Modeling of Parabolic Free Boundary Problems |
B.T. Knapik (2013) | van Zanten, van der Vaart, Kleijn | Bayesian Asymptotics: Inverse Problems and irregular models |
A.V. den Boer (2013) | van der Mei, Zwart | Dynamic pricing and learning |
M. Calinescu (2013) | Koole, Bhulai, Schouten | Optimal resource allocation in adaptive survey designs |
S. Munao (2013) | van der Vorst, van den Berg | Braid invariants for non-linear differential equations |
P. Koeleman (2013) | Koole, Bhulai, Schouten | A careful solution: patient scheduling in health care |
P. Kempker (2012) | Ran, van Schuppen | Coordination control of linear systems |
B. Mramor (2012) | Vandervorst, Rink | Monotone variational recurrence relations |
A. Haensel (2012) | Koole | Choice-set Demand in Revenue Management: Unconstraining, Forecasting and Optimization |
A. Roubos (2012) | Koole | Service-Level Variability and Impatience in Call Centers |
G.J. Hoekstra (2012) | Van der Mei | Concurrent Access and Traffic Control Methods in Wireless Communication Networks |
A. Trevisan (2012) | Notbohm | Generalized Davis-Januszkiewicz spaces and their applications to algebra and topology |
M.T. Joosten (2012) | Meester | Random fractals and scaling limits in percolation |
M. Vargas Rivera (2011) | Van den Berg | Blowup in two geometric flows |
R. Jansen (2011) | De Gunst | Dynamics and genetics of hippocampal network activity |
R. Yang (2011) | Van der Mei, Bhulai | Adaptive Resource Allocation in High-Performance Distributed Multimedia Computing |
R. Hindriks (2011) | Van der Vaart | Empirical Dynamics of neuronal rhythms |
H. Liu (2011) | Meester | Invariant measures and limiting shapes in sandpile models |
G. Geeven (2010) | De Gunst | Computational statistics for the identification of transcriptional gene regulatory |
D. Roubos (2010) | Koole, Bhulai | The application of Approximate Dynamic Programming techniques |
K.I.S. Valkenburg (2010) | Dijkstra | On nonseparable Erdős type spaces |
N. Leder (2010) | Koole, Bhulai | The Deviation Matrix of Continuous-Time Markov Processes |
J. Nemcova (2009) | Van Schuppen | Rational systems in control and system theory |
L. Sella (2009) | Van Schuppen | Computation of symbolic dynamics of low-dimensional maps |
M. Bijvank (2009) | Koole | Service Inventory Management: solution techniques for inventory systems without backorders |
B. Vagvolgyi (2009) | Meester | Self-destructive percolation, invasion percolation and related models |
A. Balint (2009) | Meester | Divide and colour models |
D. Basile (2009) | Van Mill | kappa-Ohio completeness and related problems |
D. Visser (2009) | Dijkstra | Representations of Erdős spaces by homeomorphism groups and by lower semi-continuous functions on product spaces |
K.P. Banachewicz (2009) | Van der Vaart | A collection of problems in credit risk modeling |
W. van der Weij (2009) | Van der Mei | Queueing Networks with Shared Resources |
S. Donauer (2009) | Jongbloed | Asymptotics in deconvolution models: approximating perfect knowledge |
M. Kramár (2009) | Vandervorst, Van den Berg | Conley index theory for braids and forcing in fourth order conservative systems |
M. Soomer (2009) | Koole | Runway Operations Scheduling using Airline Preferences |
W. Kruijer (2008) | Van der Vaart | Convergence Rates in Nonparametric Bayesian Density Estimation |
E. Asadi (2008) | Hulshof | Integrable Systems in Symplectic Geometry |
H. Elrofai (2008) | Hulshof, Van den Berg | Stability of Radiative Propagating Flames |
A. Fey-den Boer (2008) | Meester | Sandpile models: The infinite volume model, Zhang's model and limiting shapes |
W. Wójcik (2008) | Van der Vorst | Braids, Floer, Homology and forcing in two and three dimensional dynamics |
P.M. Zareba (2007) | Van der Vaart | Representations of Gaussian Processes with Stationary Increments |
S. ter Horst (2007) | Ran | Relaxed commutant lifting and Nehari interpolation |
M. Abry (2007 (2007) | Dijkstra, Van Mill | On almost n-dimensional spaces |
V. Guyonne (2007) | Hulshof | Mathematical Models For Flame Balls |
A.J. Gillett (2007) | Meester | Phase transitions in Bak-Sneppen avalanches and in a continuum percolation model |
G.J.F. Ridderbos (2007) | Van Mill | Power homogeneity in Topology |
A. Setiawan (2007) | Van der Vaart | Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data in Twin Studies and Association Studies |
A.M. Dobber (2006) | Koole, Van der Mei | Robust Applications in Time-Shared Distributed Systems |
S.A. Pot (2006) | Koole | Planning and Routing Algorithms for Multi-Skill Contact Centers |
J.P. Trapman (2006) | Meester | On stochastic models for the spread of infections |
M. Petreczky (2006) | Van Schuppen | Realization Theory of Hybrid Systems |
C. Jong (2006) | Van der Vaart | Machine learning for human cancer research |
F.H. van der Meulen (2005) | Van der Vaart | Statistical estimation for Levy driven OU-processes and Brownian semimartingales |
M.W. de Vries (2005) | Meester | Random beta-expansions, unique expansions and Lochs' Theorem |
R. Brouwer (2005) | Van den Berg | Percolation, forest-fires and monomer-dimers |
B.J.K. Kleijn (2004) | Van der Vaart | Bayesian asymptotics under misspecification |
G.J. Franx (2004) | Koole, van Dijk (UvA) | A full probabilistic approach to waiting time distributions |
Z. Arova (2003) | Kaashoek | Operator nodes with strongly regular characteristic functions |
P. van der Kamp (2003) | Hulshof | Integrable evolution equations: a diophantine approach |
D. Znamenski (2003) | Meester | A of models with self-organized criticality sandpiles and evolution |
D. Jibetean (2003) | Van Schuppen | Algebraic optimization with applications in system theory |
L. Kubbe (2003) | Bochnak | Nonisomorphic algebraic models of smooth manifolds |
M. Reurings (2003) | Ran | Symmetric Matrix Equations |
S. Bhulai (2002) | Koole | Markov decision processes: the control of high-dimensional systems |
T. van Noorden (2002) | Verduyn Lunel | New Algorithms for Parameter Swing Reactors |
C. Cuestra (2002) | Hulshof | Pseudo-Parabolic Equations with Driving Convection Term |
K. Bouhjar (2002) | Van Mill | On the Structure of N-Point Sets |
M. El Bachraoui (2002) | Van Mill | Relation Algebras, Multigroupoids, and Degree |
J.L. Lok (2001) | Van der Vaart | Statistical Modelling of Causal Effects in Time |
M.A. Jonker (2000) | Van der Vaart | Statistical Estimation of Life Length in Historical Demography |
J.G. Schouten (2000) | Van der Vaart | Stochastic Modeling of Ion Channel Kinetics |
D.R. Pik (1999) | Kaashoek | Block Lower Triangular Operators and Optimal Contractive Systems |
M.A. van Hartskamp (1999) | Van Mill | Colorings of Fixed-Point Free Maps |
P.C. Allaart (1998) | Holewijn | Ranges of Vector Measures and Optimal Petitioning Inequalities |
H.E. Brandsma (1998) | Van Mill | Monolithic Hyperspaces |
G.J. van den Brink (1998) | Van Veldhuizen | Kwaliteit van Informatie en Informatie Systemen |
J.P. Wang (1998) | Nieuwland | Symmetry Conservation Laws of Evolution Equations |
J.A. van Hamel (1997) | Bochnak | Algebraic Cycles and Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties |
A.C.J. Scholtens (1996) | Ditters | S-typical Curves in noncommutative Hopf Algebras |
D. Temme (1996) | Kaashoek | Dissipative Operators in Indefinitive Scalar Product Spaces |
J. Kos (1995) | Kaashoek | Time-Dependent Problems in Linear Operator Theory |
W.D.L.F. Gladdines (1994) | Van Mill | Absorbing Systems in Infinite Dimensional Manifolds and Applications |
J.M. Gouweleeuw (1994) | Holewijn | On Ranges of Vector Measures and Optimal Stopping |
I. Helsloot (1994) | Ditters | Covariant Formal Group Theory and Some Applications |
G.J. Groenewald (1993) | Kaashoek | Wiener-Hopf Factorization of Rational Matrix Functions in Terms of Realizations |
J. Huisman (1992) | Bochnak | Real Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication |
A.B. Kuijper (1992) | Kaashoek | The State Space Method for Integro-differential Equations of Convolution Type with Rational Matrix Symbols |
F.A. Boshuizen (1991) | Holewijn | Prophet and Minimax Problems in Optimal Stopping Theory |
J. van der Bijl (1991) | Van Mill | Extension of Continuous Functions with Compact Domain |
E.R. Verheul (1991) | Van Mill | Multimedians in Metric and Normed Spaces |
M. Zwaan (1991) | Nieuwland | Moment Problems in Hilbert Space with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
J.A. Baars (1990) | On Topological and Linear Equivalence of Certain Function Spaces | |
J.A.M. Groot (1990) | Van Mill | On Topological and Linear Equivalence of Certain Function Spaces |
S.J. Hoving (1990) | Ditters | W(k)[F,V]-Modules and Zeta Functions of Several Types of Curves |
R. Vreugdenhill (1990) | Kaashoek | Spectral Theory of Selfadjoint Wiener-Hopf and Toeplitz Operators |
H.J. Woerdeman (1989) | Kaashoek | Matrix and Operator Extensions |
F.C. Drost (1987) | Oosterhoff | Asymptotics for Generalized Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
L. Roozemond (1987) | Kaashoek | Systems of Nonnormal and First Kind Wiener-Hopf Equations |
P. Borst (1986) | Van Mill | Transfinite Classifications of Wakly Infinite-Dimensional Space |
A.J.M. van Engelen (1985) | Van Mill | Homogeneous Zero-Dimensional Absolute Borel Sets |
R.J.P. Groothuizen (1985) | Nieuwland | Mixed Elliptic Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators |
B.F. Schriever (1985) | Oosterhoff | Order Dependence |
D.P. van der Vecht (1985) | Holewijn | Inequalities for Stopped Brownian Motion |
K.P. Hart (1984) | Maurice | Coverings, trees and continua |
J. van de Lune (1984) | Mullender | Sums of equal powers of positive integers |
J. Vermeer (1984) | Baayen | Expansions of H-closed spaces |
A.D.M. Kester (1983) | Oosterhoff | Some large deviation results in statistics |
A.C.M. Ran (1983) | Kaashoek | Semidefinite invariant subspaces |
H.A.W.M. Kneppers (1982) | Ditters | The covariance classification of two-dimensional smooth commutative formal groups over over an algabraically closed field of positive characteristic |
J.C.S.P. van der Woude (1982) | Baayen | Topological Dynamix |
S.N. Pnevmatikos (1981) | Bochnak | Etude geometrique des constraintes generiques dans des espaces de phases |
J.M. Schumacher (1981) | Nieuwland | Dynamic Feedback in finite- and infinite-dimensional linear systems |
C.V.M. van der Mee (1981) | Kaashoek | Semigroup and factorization methods in transport theory |
H. den Boer (1981) | Kaashoek | Block diagonalisation of matrix functions |
M.J.W. Jansen (1980) | Nieuwland | Essays in Mathematical Biology |
A.J.J. Talman (1980) | Tijms, Merkies | Variable dimensions fixed point algorithms and triangulations |
H.M. Mulder (1980) | Baayen | The interval function of a graph |
H.C.P. Berbee (1979) | Holewijn | Random walks with stationary increments and renewal theory |
P. Groeneboom (1979) | Oosterhoff | Large deviations and asymptotic efficiencies |
R.D. Gill (1979) | Oosterhoff | Censoring and stochastic integrals |
G.Ph.A. Thijsse (1978) | Kaashoek | Theorems for finite-meromorphic operator functions |
J.M. Wouwe (1978) | Maurice | Go-spaces and generalizations of metrizability |
J. van Mill (1977) | Baayen | Supercompactness and Wallman spaces |
A. Schrijver (1977) | Baayen | Matroids and linking systems |
W.C.M. Kallenberg (1977) | Oosterhoff | Asymptotic optimality of likelihood ratio tests in exponential families |
P.P.N. Groen (1976) | Nieuwland | Singularly pertubated differential operators of second order |
A.E. Brouwer (1976) | Maurice, Baayen | Treelike spaces and related connected topological spaces |
E.K. van Douwen (1975) | Maurice | Simultaneous extensions of continuous functions |
A. Hollman (1974) | Kuijk | Inseparable algebras |
M.J. Faber (1974) | Maurice | Metrizability in generalized ordered spaces |
J. de Vries (1974) | Baayen | Reflections on topological transformation groups |
W.J. Schipper (1974) | Baayen | Symmetric closed categories |
P. Kodde (1973) | Grosheide | An analytic two-parametric system of lines in a five-dimensional projective space |
H. Bart (1973) | Kaashoek | Meromorphic operator valued |
H. Kok (1973) | Maurice | Connected orderable spaces |
J. van Dalen (1972) | Maurice, De Groot | Finite products of locally compact ordered spaces |
N.P. Dekker (1969) | Baayen | Joint numerical range and joint spectrum of Hilbert space operators |
C. de Vroedt (1960) | Koksma | Metrical problems concerning continued fractions |
W. Kuyk (1960) | Mullender | Over het omkeerprobleem van de Galoistheorie |
J. van Klinken (1958) | Van Rooijen | De toepassing van het Poissonproces in de actuariele statistiek |
O. Kooi (1956) | Koksma | Existentie-, eenduidigheids- en convergentiestellingen in de theorie der gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen |
D. de Vries (1955) | Koksma | Metrische onderzoekingen van diophantische benaderingsproblemen in het niet-lacunaire geval |
M. Dorleijn (1951) | Koksma | Beschouwingen over coordinaatruimten, oneindige matrices en determinanten in een niet-Archimedisch gewaardeerd lichaam |
N.P. Dekker (1950) | Haantjes | Conforme theorie van tripelorthogonale stelsels |
M. Sanders (1950) | Koksma | Verdelingsproblemen bij gegeneraliseerde duale breuken |
D.J. Lock (1947) | Koksma | Metrische-diophantische onderzoekingen in K(P) en K(n)(P) |
L. Kuipers (1947) | Koksma | De asymptotische verdeling modulo I van de waarden van meetbare functies |
C. Smits (1946) | Haantjes | De Mobius-meetkunde van het platte vlak |
A. Drewes (1945) | Koksma | Diophantische benaderingsproblemen |
P. Mullender (1945) | Koksma | Toepassing van de meetkunde der getallen op ongelijkheden in K(l) en K(i√m) |
W. de Geus (1943) | Van Haaften | Continue intrestrekening |
N.G. de Bruijn (1943) | Koksma | Over modulaire vormen van meer veranderlijken |
H. Streefkerk (1943) | Koksma | Over het aantal oplossingen der diophantische vergelijking U=Σi A x2i + B xi + C |
H. Turkstra (1936) | Koksma | Metrische bijdragen tot de theorie der diophantische approximaties in het lichaam der p-adische getallen |
J.P. van Rooijen (1935) | Van Haaften | La notion de probabilité et la science actuarielle |
A. Gabel (1935) | Van Haaften | Nomographische Lösung von Kurs- und Rentabilitätsaufgaben |
PhD Alumni of the Department of Mathematics
Former PhD students: