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PhD Alumni of the Department of Mathematics

Former PhD students:
Alumnus/AlumnaAdvisorThesis title
R.J. Arntzen (2025) van der Mei, BhulaiOptimizing flow in the healthcare system for older adults
S. Salmi (2024)van der Mei, GilissenFrom words to actions: natural language processing for suicide prevention helplines
Y. Clapper (2024)Bekker, BerkhoutModel-based optimization in home healthcare
M.A. Corstanje (2024)van der Meulen, SchauerGuiding techniques for conditioning Markov processes
P.H.C. Putz (2024)Dahmen, de JeuEnumeration of local and global étale algebras to generalized Fermat equations
Y. Perugachi Diaz (2024)Bhulai, van der MeiGenerative modeling and neural compression
M.T. Dietrich (2024)De Gunst, DoblerStatistical inference in survival analysis via wild bootstrap
R. van Leeuwen (2024)Koole, BelitserData driven strategies in hospitality
N.G. Lamoree (2023)van der Vorst, FabertPseudoholomorphic curve methode for infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems
P.E.R. Roos Hoefgeest (2023)van den Berg, BotnanTopologically optimal bounding chains for persistent homology and novel persistence modules for both static and dynamic data
G.A. Berkelmans (2023)van der Mei, Bhulai, Gilissen, SchwerenTuring and Van Gogh walk into a bar: A computatiinal approach to suicide research
J. Pries (2023)van der Mei, BhulaiFundamentals of data science: a new outlook
J. Klein (2022)van der Mei, Bhulai, HoogendoornMolding the Symbiosis between Human and Machine: Contributions to Anomaly Detection, Model Evaluation, and Active Learning
M. van Straaten (2022)Ran, Theron, Janse van Rensburg, GroenewaldH-selfadjoint roots of H-selfadjoint matrices and H-polar decompositions over the quaternions
T. Koch (2022)van der Mei, DugundjiA Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Transportation Mode Behavior
C.A.M. de Ruijt (2022)Bhulai, KooleAlgorithms in E-recruitment Systems
J.S. Slik (2022)van der Mei, BhulaiData driven mobility
D. Huizing (2022)van der Mei, Schafer, BhulaiMedian Routing Problems: Integrated optimisation of network maintenance and emergency response
J. van Langen (2022)Dahmen, de JeuAutomating the modular methods for Q-curves to solve Diophantine equations
W. Hetebrij (2021)van den Berg, RinkParameterization for center manifolds: existence, rigorous bounds and applications
J. Storm (2021)Bhulai, Mandjes, KagerStochastic traffic flow models
B. Sollie (2021)de GunstStatistical inverse problems for population processes
B. Zweers (2021)Bhulai, van der Mei, SchaeferOptimization of hinterland container transport
R. Nolet (2020)Hulshof, ProkertMathematical modelling of fungal hyphae
M. Aflakparast (2020)de Gunst, van WieringenStatistical learning of networks from heterogenous data through mixture models
B.H. Bakker (2019)van den Berg, van der VorstNonlinear waves in local and nonlocal media
E. Queirolo (2019)van den Berg, RinkFollowing periodic orbits through bifurcations
G. Overal (2019)Hulshof, PlanquePredicting optimal strategies for microbacterial metabolic pathways
R. van de Geer (2019)Bhulai, Den BoerData driven pricing & optimization
N. Nurushev (2019)BelitserRobust inference for projection structures
D. van Leeuwen (2019)van der Mei, Nunez-QueijaStochastic modelling and control of road traffic congestion
M.C. ten Thij (2018)Bhulai, KooleSocial data analysis: dynamics of real-time data
A. Hristov (2018)van der Mei, BhulaiPerformance models for analysis and control of IT systems
C. Groothedde (2018)van den Berg, RinkComputer assisted proofs in dynamics and delay equations
E. Nijholt (2018)Rink, van den BergBifurcations in network dynamical systems
R. Sheombarsing (2018)van den Berg, RinkValidated Chebyshev-based computations for ordinary and partial differential equations
M. van Buuren (2018)van der Mei, BhulaiEfficient planning of ambulance services: theory and practice
H. Knoester (2017)Meester, HulshofProbabilistic lifetime prediction with application to high-performance p-aramid fiber
T. Kerkvliet (2017)MeesterUniform Probability Measures and Epistemic Probability
J. Wisniewska (2017)van der Vorst, PasquottoRabinowitz Floer homology for tentacular Hamiltonians
P. Hafkenscheid (2017)van den Berg, van der VorstComputing Braid Floer homology
P. Vis (2017)van der MeiQueueing networks with multiple customer types
D. Sierag (2017)van der MeiRevenue management in the hotel industry: from practice to theory
R. Konijn (2017)Kok, KooleDetecting interesting differences: data mining in health insurance data using outlier detection and subgroup discovery
C. Jagtenberg (2017)van der Mei, BhulaiEfficiency and fairness in ambulance planning
T. van Barneveld (2017)van der Mei, BhulaiRelocation algorithms for emergency medical services
J. Pecanka (2016)van der VaartMulti-step statistical methods for simultaneous inference in genetics
M. Kruijver (2016)Meester, SlootenStochastic aspects of familial searching
S. Ding (2016)van der Mei, BhulaiWorkforce management in call centers: forecasting, staffing and empirical studies
D. Moeke (2016)Koole, VerkooijenTowards high-value(d) nursing home care: Providing client-centred care in a more efficient manner
M. Onderwater (2016)van der Mei, BhulaiNetwork of sensors - operation and control
H. Rabe (2015)RanAspects of Toeplitz operators and matrices: Asymptotics, norms, singular values
B. Ros (2015)de GunstStochastic modeling and statistical analysis of EEG-fMRI data
R. Conijn (2015)van de BergPlanar Critical Percolation: Large clusters and Scaling limits
T. van den Brug (2015)MeesterPercolation, loop soups and stochastic domination
F. Phillipson (2014)van der Mei, BhulaiEfficient Algorithms for Infrastructure Networks: Planning Issues and Economic Impact
M. Remerova (2014)Zwart, FossFluid Limit Approximations of Stochastic Networks
M. Lis (2014)Meester, Camia, KagerThe Kac-Ward approach to the Ising Model
G.G.R. Leday (2014)van der Vaart, van de WielStatistical Modeling and Inference for Genomics: Data Integration, Shrinkage and Network Reconstruction
T. Rot (2014)Vandervorst, PasquottoMorse-Conley-Floer Homology
J. Bosman (2014)van der Mei, Nunez-QueijaOptimal Quality of Service Control in Communication Systems
M.M. Zaal (2013)HulshofVariational Modeling of Parabolic Free Boundary Problems
B.T. Knapik (2013)van Zanten, van der Vaart, KleijnBayesian Asymptotics: Inverse Problems and irregular models
A.V. den Boer (2013)van der Mei, ZwartDynamic pricing and learning
M. Calinescu (2013)Koole, Bhulai, SchoutenOptimal resource allocation in adaptive survey designs
S. Munao (2013)van der Vorst, van den BergBraid invariants for non-linear differential equations
P. Koeleman (2013)Koole, Bhulai, SchoutenA careful solution: patient scheduling in health care
P. Kempker (2012)Ran, van SchuppenCoordination control of linear systems
B. Mramor (2012)Vandervorst, RinkMonotone variational recurrence relations
A. Haensel (2012)KooleChoice-set Demand in Revenue Management: Unconstraining, Forecasting and Optimization
A. Roubos (2012)KooleService-Level Variability and Impatience in Call Centers
G.J. Hoekstra (2012)Van der MeiConcurrent Access and Traffic Control Methods in Wireless Communication Networks
A. Trevisan (2012)NotbohmGeneralized Davis-Januszkiewicz spaces and their applications to algebra and topology
M.T. Joosten (2012)MeesterRandom fractals and scaling limits in percolation
M. Vargas Rivera (2011)Van den BergBlowup in two geometric flows
R. Jansen (2011)De GunstDynamics and genetics of hippocampal network activity
R. Yang (2011)Van der Mei, BhulaiAdaptive Resource Allocation in High-Performance Distributed Multimedia Computing
R. Hindriks (2011)Van der VaartEmpirical Dynamics of neuronal rhythms
H. Liu (2011)MeesterInvariant measures and limiting shapes in sandpile models
G. Geeven (2010)De GunstComputational statistics for the identification of transcriptional gene regulatory
D. Roubos (2010)Koole, BhulaiThe application of Approximate Dynamic Programming techniques
K.I.S. Valkenburg (2010)DijkstraOn nonseparable Erdős type spaces
N. Leder (2010)Koole, BhulaiThe Deviation Matrix of Continuous-Time Markov Processes
J. Nemcova (2009)Van SchuppenRational systems in control and system theory
L. Sella (2009)Van SchuppenComputation of symbolic dynamics of low-dimensional maps
M. Bijvank (2009)KooleService Inventory Management: solution techniques for inventory systems without backorders
B. Vagvolgyi (2009)MeesterSelf-destructive percolation, invasion percolation and related models
A. Balint (2009)MeesterDivide and colour models
D. Basile (2009)Van Millkappa-Ohio completeness and related problems
D. Visser (2009)DijkstraRepresentations of Erdős spaces by homeomorphism groups and by lower semi-continuous functions on product spaces
K.P. Banachewicz (2009)Van der VaartA collection of problems in credit risk modeling
W. van der Weij (2009)Van der MeiQueueing Networks with Shared Resources
S. Donauer (2009)JongbloedAsymptotics in deconvolution models: approximating perfect knowledge
M. Kramár (2009)Vandervorst, Van den BergConley index theory for braids and forcing in fourth order conservative systems
M. Soomer (2009)KooleRunway Operations Scheduling using Airline Preferences
W. Kruijer (2008)Van der VaartConvergence Rates in Nonparametric Bayesian Density Estimation
E. Asadi (2008)HulshofIntegrable Systems in Symplectic Geometry
H. Elrofai (2008)Hulshof, Van den BergStability of Radiative Propagating Flames
A. Fey-den Boer (2008)MeesterSandpile models: The infinite volume model, Zhang's model and limiting shapes
W. Wójcik (2008)Van der VorstBraids, Floer, Homology and forcing in two and three dimensional dynamics
P.M. Zareba (2007)Van der VaartRepresentations of Gaussian Processes with Stationary Increments
S. ter Horst (2007)RanRelaxed commutant lifting and Nehari interpolation
M. Abry (2007 (2007)Dijkstra, Van MillOn almost n-dimensional spaces
V. Guyonne (2007)HulshofMathematical Models For Flame Balls
A.J. Gillett (2007)MeesterPhase transitions in Bak-Sneppen avalanches and in a continuum percolation model
G.J.F. Ridderbos (2007)Van MillPower homogeneity in Topology
A. Setiawan (2007)Van der VaartStatistical Analysis of Genetic Data in Twin Studies and Association Studies
A.M. Dobber (2006)Koole, Van der MeiRobust Applications in Time-Shared Distributed Systems
S.A. Pot (2006)KoolePlanning and Routing Algorithms for Multi-Skill Contact Centers
J.P. Trapman (2006)MeesterOn stochastic models for the spread of infections
M. Petreczky (2006)Van SchuppenRealization Theory of Hybrid Systems
C. Jong (2006)Van der VaartMachine learning for human cancer research
F.H. van der Meulen (2005)Van der VaartStatistical estimation for Levy driven OU-processes and Brownian semimartingales
M.W. de Vries (2005)MeesterRandom beta-expansions, unique expansions and Lochs' Theorem
R. Brouwer (2005)Van den BergPercolation, forest-fires and monomer-dimers
B.J.K. Kleijn (2004)Van der VaartBayesian asymptotics under misspecification
G.J. Franx (2004)Koole, van Dijk (UvA)A full probabilistic approach to waiting time distributions
Z. Arova (2003)KaashoekOperator nodes with strongly regular characteristic functions
P. van der Kamp (2003)HulshofIntegrable evolution equations: a diophantine approach
D. Znamenski (2003)MeesterA of models with self-organized criticality sandpiles and evolution
D. Jibetean (2003)Van SchuppenAlgebraic optimization with applications in system theory
L. Kubbe (2003)BochnakNonisomorphic algebraic models of smooth manifolds
M. Reurings (2003)RanSymmetric Matrix Equations
S. Bhulai (2002)KooleMarkov decision processes: the control of high-dimensional systems
T. van Noorden (2002)Verduyn LunelNew Algorithms for Parameter Swing Reactors
C. Cuestra (2002)HulshofPseudo-Parabolic Equations with Driving Convection Term
K. Bouhjar (2002)Van MillOn the Structure of N-Point Sets
M. El Bachraoui (2002)Van MillRelation Algebras, Multigroupoids, and Degree
J.L. Lok (2001)Van der VaartStatistical Modelling of Causal Effects in Time
M.A. Jonker (2000)Van der VaartStatistical Estimation of Life Length in Historical Demography
J.G. Schouten (2000)Van der VaartStochastic Modeling of Ion Channel Kinetics
D.R. Pik (1999)KaashoekBlock Lower Triangular Operators and Optimal Contractive Systems
M.A. van Hartskamp (1999)Van MillColorings of Fixed-Point Free Maps
P.C. Allaart (1998)HolewijnRanges of Vector Measures and Optimal Petitioning Inequalities
H.E. Brandsma (1998)Van MillMonolithic Hyperspaces
G.J. van den Brink (1998)Van VeldhuizenKwaliteit van Informatie en Informatie Systemen
J.P. Wang (1998)NieuwlandSymmetry Conservation Laws of Evolution Equations
J.A. van Hamel (1997)BochnakAlgebraic Cycles and Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties
A.C.J. Scholtens (1996)DittersS-typical Curves in noncommutative Hopf Algebras
D. Temme (1996)KaashoekDissipative Operators in Indefinitive Scalar Product Spaces
J. Kos (1995)KaashoekTime-Dependent Problems in Linear Operator Theory
W.D.L.F. Gladdines (1994)Van MillAbsorbing Systems in Infinite Dimensional Manifolds and Applications
J.M. Gouweleeuw (1994)HolewijnOn Ranges of Vector Measures and Optimal Stopping
I. Helsloot (1994)DittersCovariant Formal Group Theory and Some Applications
G.J. Groenewald (1993)KaashoekWiener-Hopf Factorization of Rational Matrix Functions in Terms of Realizations
J. Huisman (1992)BochnakReal Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication
A.B. Kuijper (1992)KaashoekThe State Space Method for Integro-differential Equations of Convolution Type with Rational Matrix Symbols
F.A. Boshuizen (1991)HolewijnProphet and Minimax Problems in Optimal Stopping Theory
J. van der Bijl (1991)Van MillExtension of Continuous Functions with Compact Domain
E.R. Verheul (1991)Van MillMultimedians in Metric and Normed Spaces
M. Zwaan (1991)NieuwlandMoment Problems in Hilbert Space with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
J.A. Baars (1990)
On Topological and Linear Equivalence of Certain Function Spaces
J.A.M. Groot (1990)Van MillOn Topological and Linear Equivalence of Certain Function Spaces
S.J. Hoving (1990)DittersW(k)[F,V]-Modules and Zeta Functions of Several Types of Curves
R. Vreugdenhill (1990)KaashoekSpectral Theory of Selfadjoint Wiener-Hopf and Toeplitz Operators
H.J. Woerdeman (1989)KaashoekMatrix and Operator Extensions
F.C. Drost (1987)OosterhoffAsymptotics for Generalized Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Tests
L. Roozemond (1987)KaashoekSystems of Nonnormal and First Kind Wiener-Hopf Equations
P. Borst (1986)Van MillTransfinite Classifications of Wakly Infinite-Dimensional Space
A.J.M. van Engelen (1985)Van MillHomogeneous Zero-Dimensional Absolute Borel Sets
R.J.P. Groothuizen (1985)NieuwlandMixed Elliptic Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators
B.F. Schriever (1985)OosterhoffOrder Dependence
D.P. van der Vecht (1985)HolewijnInequalities for Stopped Brownian Motion
K.P. Hart (1984)MauriceCoverings, trees and continua
J. van de Lune (1984)MullenderSums of equal powers of positive integers
J. Vermeer (1984)BaayenExpansions of H-closed spaces
A.D.M. Kester (1983)OosterhoffSome large deviation results in statistics
A.C.M. Ran (1983)KaashoekSemidefinite invariant subspaces
H.A.W.M. Kneppers (1982)DittersThe covariance classification of two-dimensional smooth commutative formal groups over over an algabraically closed field of positive characteristic
J.C.S.P. van der Woude (1982)BaayenTopological Dynamix
S.N. Pnevmatikos (1981)BochnakEtude geometrique des constraintes generiques dans des espaces de phases
J.M. Schumacher (1981)NieuwlandDynamic Feedback in finite- and infinite-dimensional linear systems
C.V.M. van der Mee (1981)KaashoekSemigroup and factorization methods in transport theory
H. den Boer (1981)KaashoekBlock diagonalisation of matrix functions
M.J.W. Jansen (1980)NieuwlandEssays in Mathematical Biology
A.J.J. Talman (1980)Tijms, MerkiesVariable dimensions fixed point algorithms and triangulations
H.M. Mulder (1980)BaayenThe interval function of a graph
H.C.P. Berbee (1979)HolewijnRandom walks with stationary increments and renewal theory
P. Groeneboom (1979)OosterhoffLarge deviations and asymptotic efficiencies
R.D. Gill (1979)OosterhoffCensoring and stochastic integrals
G.Ph.A. Thijsse (1978)KaashoekTheorems for finite-meromorphic operator functions
J.M. Wouwe (1978)MauriceGo-spaces and generalizations of metrizability
J. van Mill (1977)BaayenSupercompactness and Wallman spaces
A. Schrijver (1977)BaayenMatroids and linking systems
W.C.M. Kallenberg (1977)OosterhoffAsymptotic optimality of likelihood ratio tests in exponential families
P.P.N. Groen (1976)NieuwlandSingularly pertubated differential operators of second order
A.E. Brouwer (1976)Maurice, BaayenTreelike spaces and related connected topological spaces
E.K. van Douwen (1975)MauriceSimultaneous extensions of continuous functions
A. Hollman (1974)KuijkInseparable algebras
M.J. Faber (1974)MauriceMetrizability in generalized ordered spaces
J. de Vries (1974)BaayenReflections on topological transformation groups
W.J. Schipper (1974)BaayenSymmetric closed categories
P. Kodde (1973)GrosheideAn analytic two-parametric system of lines in a five-dimensional projective space
H. Bart (1973)KaashoekMeromorphic operator valued
H. Kok (1973)MauriceConnected orderable spaces
J. van Dalen (1972)Maurice, De GrootFinite products of locally compact ordered spaces
N.P. Dekker (1969)BaayenJoint numerical range and joint spectrum of Hilbert space operators
C. de Vroedt (1960)KoksmaMetrical problems concerning continued fractions
W. Kuyk (1960)MullenderOver het omkeerprobleem van de Galoistheorie
J. van Klinken (1958)Van RooijenDe toepassing van het Poissonproces in de actuariele statistiek
O. Kooi (1956)KoksmaExistentie-, eenduidigheids- en convergentiestellingen in de theorie der gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen
D. de Vries (1955)KoksmaMetrische onderzoekingen van diophantische benaderingsproblemen in het niet-lacunaire geval
M. Dorleijn (1951)KoksmaBeschouwingen over coordinaatruimten, oneindige matrices en determinanten in een niet-Archimedisch gewaardeerd lichaam
N.P. Dekker (1950)HaantjesConforme theorie van tripelorthogonale stelsels
M. Sanders (1950)KoksmaVerdelingsproblemen bij gegeneraliseerde duale breuken
D.J. Lock (1947)KoksmaMetrische-diophantische onderzoekingen in K(P) en K(n)(P)
L. Kuipers (1947)KoksmaDe asymptotische verdeling modulo I van de waarden van meetbare functies
C. Smits (1946)HaantjesDe Mobius-meetkunde van het platte vlak
A. Drewes (1945)KoksmaDiophantische benaderingsproblemen
P. Mullender (1945)KoksmaToepassing van de meetkunde der getallen op ongelijkheden in K(l) en K(i√m)
W. de Geus (1943)Van HaaftenContinue intrestrekening
N.G. de Bruijn (1943)KoksmaOver modulaire vormen van meer veranderlijken
H. Streefkerk (1943)KoksmaOver het aantal oplossingen der diophantische vergelijking U=Σi A x2i + B xi + C
H. Turkstra (1936)KoksmaMetrische bijdragen tot de theorie der diophantische approximaties in het lichaam der p-adische getallen
J.P. van Rooijen (1935)Van HaaftenLa notion de probabilité et la science actuarielle
A. Gabel (1935)Van HaaftenNomographische Lösung von Kurs- und Rentabilitätsaufgaben

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