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dr. Piet Stam

Research Associate, School of Business and Economics, Ethics, Governance and Society

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Piet Stam is trained as an econometrician and holds a PhD in health economics. Since 2007, he has held positions as a visiting lecturer and visiting fellow at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2024, he assumed the role of theme leader for “Incentives in Healthcare” at the Talma Institute of the same university.

Beyond academia, Piet is a member of the Dutch Taskforce for the Development of Risk Equalization since 1998. This taskforce provides the Minister of Health with technical advice on the design of the risk equalization model. Piet has been a part of this taskforce throughout his various professional roles.

Piet’s entrepreneurial journey includes co-founding two boutique consulting firms: SiRM - Strategies in Regulated Markets and Equalis Strategy & Modeling. Before this, he served as a business consultant for risk equalization, quality measurement, and contract development at the largest sickness fund in the Netherlands (ZAO and Agis, respectively).

His innovative work includes the co-founding of a nation-wide standard for measuring patient experiences in the Netherlands and the co-creation of value-based procurement based on the principle of ‘shared savings’. His PhD thesis was instrumental in the 2012 introduction of a Multi-Year High Costs Groups (MHCG) risk adjuster into the Dutch risk equalization model. Since 2003, he also contributes to the international Risk Adjustment Network (RAN) of health economists working in the field of regulated competition.

  • regulated competition
  • health insurance
  • risk equalization
  • quality measurement
  • consumer preferences
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dr. Piet Stam

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