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Join the PhD Teaching Community

On this page you can find practical information related to the PhD teaching community.

Dates for UTQ/BKO
For the UTQ/BKO pathway, PhDs can check all information on the course pages below.

Information UTQ/BKO for PhD's: Teaching module.
Start date for the Teaching module: 14 February 2024
The last day to register for this is: 14 January 2024

Information UTQ/BKO for PhD's: Student Supervision module.
Start date for the Supervising Students module: 10 April 2024
The last day to register for this is: 10 March 2024

You can subscribe to the events above via this form.

Costs (2023/2024)
Participation is free of charge.

Through the online registration form.

VU Amsterdam

More about this programme

Contact and further information

Content-related questions

Als je vragen hebt over de inhoud van de PhD Teaching Community en/of bijbehorende evenementen, neem dan gerust contact op met de coordinator van de PhD Teaching Community: Wouter Buursma,