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Mixed Classroom

We offer: 1. Blended Mixed Classroom in Practice Workshop Series 2. Mixed Classroom Approach: Workshops, Consultation and Intervisions Services 3. Curriculum Advisory Services

1. Blended Mixed Classroom in Practice Workshop Series
To support educators implementing the VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model, we organize interactive Mixed Classroom in Practice workshops. The VU Centre for Teaching and Learning recognizes the hectic schedules of teachers, and the advantages of blended education, therefore we have created this program with a blended approach.

As an educational framework, we use the Mixed Classroom Educational Model, which focuses on the eventual outcome of students capitalizing on different perspectives within the group. To reach that goal, we follow the three phases as defined in the Model. We look at students’ wish for a sense of belonging, possibilities of identification, complex group dynamics, and implicit associations.

A certificate will be handed out after completing a portfolio consisting of, amongst other things, a presentation of a peer-reviewed paper/article that addresses an aspect of the Mixed Classroom, a reflection on a “hot moment” (how to deal with tension or conflict because of diversity) and the design of an intervention that will show an application of the insights within the Mixed Classroom Educational Model.

The interventions designed through these workshops are practical and concrete. The Mixed Classroom offers after-care services to sustain change and assist in the development of the project from plan to practice.  Check for dates and times the 'Dates and contact' tab.

For Whom? 
These workshops are available for teachers inside and outside of VU Amsterdam who want to develop their didactic skills towards making their classrooms active, inclusive, and engaging environments that optimize the various perspectives present in the classroom.

2. Mixed Classroom Approach Workshops & Consultation and Intervision Services
To support teachers and students in acquiring and developing competencies to capitalize on differences in their classrooms, we offer bespoke workshops designed for personalized needs according to the Mixed Classroom Educational Model.

Our consultation and intervision services include the designing and facilitation of conferences and meetings using the Mixed Classroom approach.

For Whom? 
The workshops and consultations are available for all faculties, departments, teacher groups, teachers specializing in BKO, SKO, and Mixed Classroom specializations. We also provide workshops for students.

3. Curriculum Advisory Services
Mixed Classroom Specialists facilitate, moderate, and help develop and revise content and curricula keeping a keen eye on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We use the Educational Model as a starting point to critically look at your program’s alignment regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our approach in doing this will be tailored to the needs of your department and can consist of, for example: 
- Collaboration workshops with teaching teams
- Analysis of course documents
- Coaching sessions 
- Collation of vision

More about this programme
Dates and contact

Exploring Epistemic Equality in the Mixed Classroom

Exploring Epistemic Equality in the Mixed Classroom

At VU Amsterdam, the Mixed Classroom initiative fosters an inclusive learning environment. A case study in A Bookshelf of the World explores innovative teaching during COVID-19. In a master's course on book history, students used personal book collections instead of university resources, diversifying the curriculum and fostering ownership. Sharing books built community, widened the canon, and enabled a hands-on study of material books.

Read the article

Neem contact met ons op

Wil je meer weten over het VU Mixed Classroom Onderwijsmodel en/of hoe je het kunt implementeren, neem dan contact met ons op:

Siema Ramdas: s.k.k.ramdas@vu.nl

Amrita Das: a.das@vu.nl


Amrita Das

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