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Mixed Classroom

Do you wonder how you can inspire students to share their rich histories, experiences, and talents in the classroom? Ever had a moment in class where diversity caused tension or conflict? The Mixed Classroom team is here to help. Join us on our journey towards safe and inclusive classrooms that thrive on critical thinking, discourse, and diversity of thought.

The Mixed Classroom Educational Model 
The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model is an educational approach that builds upon differences to enrich the learning experience for all students present. Capitalizing on differences does not mean compromising between different perspectives or merging them into one uniform perspective. Instead, the approach uses the differences and possible tension between views to stimulate critical thinking, develop analytical skills, and generate creative solutions.

The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model is built on a three-phase process through which students learn how to capitalize on different perspectives within the classroom.
Please check the 'Inhoud' tab for info on the workshops and other programmes we offer.

"Thanks again for the brilliant training - it was really eye-opening and exactly what we needed! I've been raving to anyone who would listen about the training. I hope that our faculty will consider offering it to other teams as well, and allow teams like ours to do follow-ups and repeat the training if needed."
- response from a participant on the workshop series.

Hot Moments in the Classoom
When diverse perspectives interact, hot moments are inevitable. These moments of tension have potential to advance deep learning, if managed well. Based on interviews and observations during Mixed Classroom workshops, we disentangled hot moments and put together a framework. This document offers insights, tools and tips for teachers in higher education. Based on these insights, we have developed workshops and teacher feedback sessions.

For more information:
Amrita Das (a.das@vu.nl)

More about this programme
Dates and contact

What is the Mixed Classroom Educational Model?

In this infocip, students and teachers share their experiences with the VU Mixed Classroom Educational model and how it capitalizes on perspectives to create an inclusive learning climate.

Participants on this workshop series

Neem contact met ons op

Wil je meer weten over het VU Mixed Classroom Onderwijsmodel en/of hoe je het kunt implementeren, neem dan contact met ons op:

Siema Ramdas: s.k.k.ramdas@vu.nl

Amrita Das: a.das@vu.nl


Amrita Das

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