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Inclusive Leadership – A Mixed Classroom Approach

Inclusive Leadership - the Mixed Classroom Educational Model in the Leadership Practice

Diversity in teams is not only a fact, it is also a strength, and in some cases a challenge. How can you, as an educational leader, deal with the challenges and use this strength? How can you sensitize your team, engage with the perspectives every member brings to the table, and ultimately optimize teaching and learning?

In this concise programme,  you can learn more about inclusive leadership in higher education. 

The Inclusive leadership Workshop is an interactive and introspective workshop based on the Mixed Classroom Educational Model and designed for current and aspiring leaders working in education. The programme consists of three sessions of two hours each. Each session has an overarching theme and requires some preparation in the form of i.e., reading an article, interviewing a team member, or watching a video. During these meetings, participants share their personal and professional experiences and discuss good practices.

For whom?
This Inclusive leadership Workshop is open to all colleagues in formal or informal educational leadership role. It’s also meant for participants who are undergoing change processes, managing diverse teams or are looking for inspiration for change and strategies to develop inclusive teams and education. 

This course is open to participants inside and outside of VU Amsterdam. 

More information
Dates and contact

Contact and more information

Do you have questions about the design or content of the course?

If so, please contact teacher trainer Marieke Parijs: m.j.a.parijs@vu.nl

Do you have practical questions?

Please contact Laura Arnesano: ctl@vu.nl


Marieke Parijs

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