Mental healthcare assistant at GP
Most GP practices also offer guidance by a Praktijkondersteuner Huisartsen Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg (better known as POH-GGZ). This is a mental healthcare assistant practitioner (often a nurse or psychologist) who knows a lot about mental health issues. The POH-GGZ can either offer you direct guidance to overcome your problems, or can assist you when you are in need of a referral for more specialized mental health care.
Appointments with the POH-GGZ are covered by your health insurance and no additional payment is required. Also, the POH-GGZ often have short waiting lists, meaning that an appointment could be scheduled on (relatively) short notice.
Frisse Gedachtes platform
Do you sometimes feel lonely, do you find it difficult to study and/or motivate yourself, or do you just need someone who listens to you? Your student days are not always fun. Frisse Gedachtes is a free platform where you can contact psychology students or experience experts anonymously. You choose the student you want to chat with anonymously and for free.
UpTalk is an initiative of Thrive Amsterdam Mentaal Gezond in cooperation with Mindmasters, Jouw GGD and @Ease. You can come here for a free and accessible way to present your mental problems to a professional coach. The coaches offer a listening ear and give tips and advice. And if necessary, they help you to prevent new or worse problems. Check out the English flyer for a short impression on what UpTalk does. Or call 06 1192 0306 (every working day from 9:00 to 17:00), have a chat with a coach or drop by for a chat at an @ease location in Amsterdam. (Unfortunately, the website of UpTalk is only in Dutch.)
The Luisterlijn
The Luisterlijn offers a listening ear day and night for people who need a confidential conversation. They can be reached via telephone (available 24/7 at 088 0767 000), chat and e-mail.
Red Cross Helpline
The helpline of the Red Cross offers a listening ear, advice or extra help and you can reach them at 070 – 44 55 678 (Monday to Thursday: 8:30 – 21:00, Friday 8:30 – 17:00, Saturday 8:30 – 14:00). They offer help in many languages, for example English, Chinese, Turkish and Moroccan-Arabic.
113 Suicide prevention
113 Suicide Prevention is the national Dutch suicide prevention centre. They offer several mental health services, such as crisis chat / telephone, chat therapy, self-help course and self-tests. They also offer help if you are worried someone you know will harm themselves. 113 Suicide Prevention is reachable 24/7.
Students who are struggling and need to talk to someone in person can go to an @ease location in Amsterdam (please check the opening times). Fellow students will be there for you to listen and offer a helping hand. If you need further support, @ease volunteers can help you find the right professional help.
Blijf Groep
The Blijf Groep (in Dutch Kenniscentrum Eer & Veiligheid) offers help and advice to persons dealing with (the threat of) honour-related violence. The employees of the Blijf Group are specialised in recognising signs of honour-related violence. They know the problems and sensitivities victims may have to deal with. They think along with them about solutions and take into account the bond that victims feel with their family.
The staff of the Blijf Groep will hold a walk-in consultation hour at VU Amsterdam (room HG 0E-74A in the main building) on the following Wednesdays from 14:00 to 16:00 (except for August):
- March 2025: Wednesday, 5 & 19 March
- April 2025: Wednesday, 2 & 16 & 30 April
It is not necessary to make an appointment. You may have to wait for a while because someone else is in the room. Whenever you discuss a situation, it is always confidential.
Mentaal Vitaal
Mentaal Vitaal is a website and an information line with reliable and scientific information about mental health. You will also find tips, exercises, tests and an info line. You can chat, email or call (anonymously).
The “Mentaal Vitaal Infolijn” has a telephone line, but can also be reached via email and chat. It's for anyone who has a question about mental health. You can call or chat to ask a question, get tips or for a listening ear. Even if you are worried about someone else.
Mental Vitaal is part of the Trimbos Institute.