We invite you to participate in one or more interactive workshops during Sustainability Day on 10 October 2023. Select the workshops you would like to attend in the registration form to participate.
Read more information below about the content of the various workshops and the mini-lecture:
- Workshop 1: What can you do for green? | Soesja van Wijgerden | 10:00 am - 11:30 am @ New University building
In this workshop you will discover what you can do to green your environment. Soesja van Wijgerden, urban ecologist, will share her experience with the value and quality of green spaces. For inspiration, the example of the community garden VU campus is highlighted. Explore how you can bring the action in green!
- Workshop 2: A discussion on academic activism in the climate crisis | dr. Koen Lemaire, dr. Anders Schinkel | 9:00 - 11:00 am @ New University building
The workshop aims to discuss academia's role in addressing the planetary crisis. We start by clarifying the emission reduction challenges we face. We then examine academia's role on three levels: personal, institutional, and societal. The focus is on collective activism rather than individual solutions due to the collective nature of the climate crisis. The workshop empowers collective action and shares scientific activism examples from VU colleagues.
- Workshop 3: The New University: A shared vision for change | dr. Willemine Willems, dr. Frank Kupper, Sem Barendse | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm @ Aurora, Main Building
As a change agent, join in thinking about what the university of the future should look like. We'll map out current system structures, stakeholders, and issues, and explore the leadership required to structurally integrate dialogue, science communication, and public participation into science, while identifying stakeholders and issues.
In this training module, we will co-create a shared vision of the future university, with a focus on its role within and towards society.
- Workshop 4: Sustainable hacks for home: zero waste deodorant | Eva Asmus | 9:30 am - 10:30 am @ Green Office, Main Building, KC-18
A product most people use everyday, yet few in a conscious, sustainable way: deodorant. Did you know that in less than 30 minutes you could make your own deodorant at home, with just a few ingredients? This deodorant is not only free of skin-irritating and air-polluting toxins, it is completely edible and can be made fully organic and vegan. No need to buy plastic-packaged, single-use deodorants anymore! By singing up for this workshop you will find out you can smell great (/better), and feel healthier and more caring for the environment with this simple DIY product. Bring your own used tin/plastic/glass can/bottle for the storage of the deodorant!