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Report on the Dies Natalis 2023

The Power of Hidden Networks
During the lively celebration of the 143rd Dies Natalis of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on November 23, 2023, 'the power of hidden networks' was the central theme.

More than 800 people signed up for the Dies Natalis. The attendees in the Aula were welcomed with images of fungal networks, schools of fish, swarms of birds, and ant colonies, set to Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps ('the Rite of Spring’). The central question during the Dies was whether such networks could serve as a metaphor for the networks within our university community. 

Dies lecture by Toby Kiers

Toby Kiers, the recent Spinoza Prize winner, held this year’s Dies lecture. She spoke about underground fungal networks and her ‘Society for the Protection of the Underground Networks’. She is uniquely able to show the importance of these, at first glance hidden, fungal networks. She demonstrated how these networks organize themselves according to principles common in the economy: the fungi move to places where there is high demand for their nutrients and then engage in 'barter' with, for example, trees. For Toby, a network is more than the sum of its parts: each of the components of the networks she studies has certain qualities that can achieve their goals in collaboration with each other. 

Honorary doctorate for Tima Bansal

Tima Bansal received an honorary doctorate from the School of Business and Economics during this Dies, presented by honorary promoters Hans Berends and Mirella Kleijnen, and dean Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Her story, like Toby's, stood out for its clear and powerful message: no jargon, but strong imagery. She painted the picture of herself in a hot air balloon with the CEOs of major companies to form sustainable networks between science and business as equal partners. 

picture collage of the Dies natalis 2023


One of the other highlights of the afternoon was the energetic performance of the AfroMixChicks, a dance group of VU alumni led by Avalon Brown, a teacher at VU Griffioen. Their Afromix dance, spoken word, and percussion beautifully showed a network in motion. Additionally, there was a panel discussion with experts Hans Berends, Kristiaan Kok, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, and Saskia Duijs. They discussed the various aspects of networks in research and education, illustrated by two videos: ‘The power of networks in research’ with Sander Begeer, Vincent van Loenen and Tom Molenaar, en ‘The power of networks in education’ with Yvette Taminiau, Fiza Ahmed and Tom Vuorinen. 

 Nina Polak, the VU’s writer in-residence of 2023/24, inspired the audience with her captivating column. As the 17th Vrije Schrijver at VU Amsterdam, she is focusing her work this year on the mental well-being of students. In her column, Nina explored the history of holistic and psychedelic imagery in pop culture, from the 1960s to modern expressions, highlighting the influence of iconography such as mushrooms and networks. 

Rector Magnificus Jeroen Geurts moderated the afternoon and delivered an impressive closing argument. He talked about how thinking of the university as a network of everyone within the VU community requires effort. He sees this as inevitable in light of the new societal challenges, which are becoming increasingly complex and challenging. His call to persevere in conducting dialogue with each other amid all this is memorable: “Networks are part of every aspect of our lives, from the digital connections that bind us, to the complex systems of nature. At VU Amsterdam, we are surrounded by a multitude of networks, from academic collaborations to the social fabrics that unite us as a community.” 

Journey of discovery

Can we now answer the question of whether Toby Kiers' underground networks can serve as a metaphor for our university community? We are not there yet, but the Dies served as the starting signal for this journey of discovery. We have rediscovered the versatility and power of these networks within and outside the academic world. The VU will continue with this, for example, with the new VU Research Strategy, and the rollout of the renewed career paths] for scientific staff in the areas of research, education, and impact. 

Check out the Dies here

Check out the Dies here

23 November 2023

Watch the aftermovie or check photos on this page

picture collage of the Dies Natalis 2023

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