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Prof. Dr. Célia Fonseca Guerra

Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Celia is an professor of Theoretical Chemistry.

Personal information

Fonseca Guerra’s research focuses on understanding weak chemical interactions in self-assembly of biological and supramolecular systems with Kohn-Sham MO theory and implementing design principles from computational investigations. These analyses of cooperativity, π assistance, and substituent effects in Watson-Crick base pairs, DNA mismatches, and quadruplexes have provided groundbreaking new insights into the nature of the hydrogen bond and supramolecular aggregation. Furthermore, her research encompasses understanding the role of metal ions in self-assembly processes. The development and the implementation of chemical analysis methods to understand the nature of hydrogen bonding and chemical bonding, in general, are also part of her research program.

Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Supramolecular Quantum Biochemistry at VU Amsterdam

2017 - 2022
Extraordinary Professor of Applied Theoretical Chemistry at Leiden University

Associate Professor at VU Amsterdam

Visiting Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

2012 - 2015
Tenured Assistant Professor at VU Amsterdam

Senior Research Associate with Scientific Computing & Modelling, The Netherlands 
Visiting scientist at the University of Girona, Spain

2010 - 2012
Consultant for Wacker Chemie, München, Germany

2006 - 2010
NRSC-C Senior Research Associate with Prof. Dr. F. M. Bickelhaupt, VU Amsterdam

2000 - 2005
NRSC-C Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Dr. E. J. Baerends, VU Amsterdam

Visiting scientist at the University of Girona, Spain

Visiting scientist at the University of Girona, Spain

Visiting scientist at the Cornell Theory Center, US

1993 - 2000
Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Promotor: Prof. Dr. E. J. Baerends, Prof. Dr. J. G. Snijders

1987 - 1993
Chemistry study (cum laude) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Major: Theoretical Chemistry (Chemistry)
Minor 1: Chemical Informatics
Minor 2: Quantum Mechanics (Physics)

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Awards and grants

2018: NWO Westerdijk Talent Scheme
2017: Workshop at Lorentz Center Leiden on DNA damage and repair awarded.
2014: NWO ECHO research grant.
2014: Research grant for hosting Dr. Karlijn Keijzer
2013: European Union Scholarship for Visiting Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology
2012: Scholarschip from FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) for Visiting     Full Professor at the University of São Paulo (not accepted due to personal circumstances).
2012: NWO Aspasia prize for excellent female scientists
2010: Research grant Wacker Chemie
1995: EU Exchange Fellowship for Cornell Theory Center, Ithaca, New York, USA

Management and Other Academic Activities

2020                   Member of Core Team of Dutch Chemistry Council  (Raad voor de Scheikunde)
2019 - 2020       Member of the advisory committee Fundamentals & Methods of Chemistry (NWO)
2019                    Member of the VENI NWO commission
2018 - present   Director of the joint-degree of the master of Chemistry of the Vrije Universiteit and
                           Universiteit van Amsterdam
2018 - present   Secretary of the Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, KNCV (Royal     Netherlands Chemical Society)
2018                   Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Aromaticity2018
2018                   Member of the VENI NWO commission
2017 - present  Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institut de Química Computational
i Catàlisi
 (University of Girona)
2017                  Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Wiley
2017 - 2019      Editorial Board Member for Molecules, MDPI 
2016 - 2017      Member of the Examination Board of the Faculty of Sciences (FNWI, UvA)
2015                  Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group
2014 - 2015      Member of the Rubicon NWO commission
2014 - 2016      Management committee substitute for COST Action CM1105
2014 - present Member of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
2014 - 2015      Member of the curriculum commission of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the VU Amsterdam
2013 - 2017      Member of the Examination Board of the Faculty of Sciences (FEW, VU)
2013 - 2017      Aspasia commission of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2013 - present Member of commission of the VUFP scholarships for international students.
2012 - present  Master coordinator of the master Chemistry: track Molecular Simulation and Photonics

More about Célia