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Theoretical Chemistry

Theoretical chemists develop chemical theories and methods for designing molecules and materials. They work on more efficient processes using quantum mechanics and computer simulations. Their work covers all molecular chemistry, from physical to biological chemistry.

The Theoretical Chemistry group develops powerful chemical theories and methods that enable prediction and rational design of target molecules, nanostructures, and materials as well as new, more efficient chemical processes toward these compounds, based on quantum mechanics and computer simulations.

We cover in essence all areas of molecular chemistry, ranging from elementary physical chemistry, via organic and inorganic chemistry, to biological and medicinal chemistry. An essential part of these efforts is theory-driven experimentation, the application of our theories and models in cooperation with experimental groups to initiate and guide new developments in experimental chemistry. 

The research program of our group comprises four main directions that are intimately connected and reinforce each other:

  • Structure and Chemical Bonding in Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory (DFT) with topic such as hypervalence and aromaticity
  • Theoretical Biochemistry and multi-level QM/MM methods
  • Elementary Chemical Reactions
  • Fragment-oriented Design of Catalysts

At present, we attempt, among others, to make the step from understanding to rationally designing chemical reactions and catalysts in various areas of theoretical organic, inorganic and biological chemistry.

Research topics

Our team

Do you want to know more?

Feel free to contact us.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Bickelhaupt -

Prof. Dr. Celia Fonseca Guerra - 

Prof. Dr. Luuk Visscher - 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
De Boelelaan 1108
1081 HZ Amsterdam