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Prof. Fonseca Guerra appointed Chemistry Europe Fellow

28 April 2022
Prof. Célia Fonseca Guerra has been appointed Chemistry Europe Fellow. Chemistry Europe is an organization that represents 16 national chemical associations in Europe.

Every two years, two chemists from each country are named Fellows for their scientific and organizational contribution to chemical science in Europe.

Prof. Fonseca Guerra was awarded her nomination “for her dedicated support to the European project, in particular for her outstanding authorship in Chemistry Europe journals and her continued support”. She is honored by this recognition: “I am honored to have been elected a Chemistry Europe Fellow and I am delighted to contribute scientifically and organizationally to the European chemistry community.”

Besides Fonseca Guerra, Prof. Floris Rutjes, current president of the European Chemical Society, has been elected this year as a Fellow. The candidates are nominated to a committee by the editorial boards of Chemistry Europe, and by the national associations and their representatives, which then makes the final nomination.

All the ins and outs concerning this appointment can be read on the following page:

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