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Marieke Verboord, Schuberg Philis on in-company language course Social Dutch

Customized language courses for international employees

Schuberg Philis has many employees with a different native language who would like to learn Dutch. To facilitate them in this, we offer an annual Dutch language course.

Client Marieke Verboord, Academy Lead, Schuberg Philis

"The colleagues who want to learn Dutch are often the 'Mission Critical Engineers,' which include experts in Cloud solutions. They come from all over the world. One group included people from Jordan, Iran, India, Brazil, Turkey, Spain, United States, Korea, Hungary, Moldova, Australia, Italy and Romania.

The language course makes our employees feel appreciated because their employer helps them to make themselves understood in the Netherlands - also outside the work context - and to establish contacts. In addition, it is obviously nice that colleagues can also make themselves better understood in the teams in which they work and that they can communicate more easily with Dutch clients.

I came to VU-NT2 through colleagues who had already followed a training with you and were enthusiastic about it. We experienced the cooperation as pleasant, decisive and reliable. VU-NT2 does what it promises, the employees are easily accessible and respond quickly. The trainers are experts in their field and encourage participants to use the language in a positive way. They are aware of the time participants spend on training in addition to their work and handle it carefully.

There was not much time between contracting and the start of the program because of the requirements of the grant provider. Because we were able to switch quickly and because VU-NT2 has a clear overview of all activities, the program was started and ended successfully. I would definitely recommend VU-NT2 because of the speed with which they can work, their diligence and expertise."

What participants thought:
'Our teacher is also incredibly good. I like how she structured the lessons and give each one of us something to be proud of. I learned a ton thanks to her.'

'Yesterday was the last session in the Dutch course. It was a really helpful well-organized one. I can say that I acquired some Dutch language skills now.  Our teacher is very good and professional. She pays attention to each one of us. Thanks to everyone who worked on this. Hope there will be more courses coming up.'

Back to tailor-made language course Social Dutch

"Through the language course, our employees feel appreciated because their employer helps them to make themselves understood and make contacts in the Netherlands - also outside the work context."