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Georgy Vecchiet on Including Nature Based Learning in course design

In this interview, Georgy Vecchiet shares her experiences and perspectives on participating in a project where teachers and students collaborated on curriculum development using nature-based learning.

1. Could you tell me a bit about your course and in what light you had the workshop series?
"I am a student in the Environment and Resource Management master’s programme. For the workshop sessions in which we would align Nature Based learning with our course’s design, we gathered around a table with large sheets of paper to discuss and form ideas on the spot. It was quite helpful to see what others were thinking in real time as this enabled us to generate constructive dialogue between students and teachers. We tackled difficult elements of the course, focusing on assessments and learning objectives. This approach helped students think more tangibly about the changes and how we could help direct and focus our ideas towards specific course goals.

The assessment part was particularly interesting as none of us thought exams fit with the whole point of nature-based learning. Integrating nature-based learning with assessments was recognised as challenging because you can't make people adopt this alternative way of learning if they don’t want to. It’s optional, and even though we liked it, not everyone will. Although, the same can be said for the current assessment methods, they also do not suit everyone, but everyone has to do them. This needs to be remembered or the whole purpose of introducing different learning and assessment methods will all be in vain. For NBL, there were no strict criteria—people needed to feel free to express themselves without fear of being graded on a pass or fail basis."

2. What was it like for you as a student to participate in a Nature-Based Learning session?
"The first group session was an actual nature-based learning session in the Amsterdamse Bos. It was really nice to sit down in nature and write down what I saw and felt. We had a few guiding questions, but we were also free in what we wrote. Initially, it was a bit tough because in nature-based learning, you use detours to get to an answer, and we are used to wanting answers straight away. However, once I allowed myself to sit down and write nothing, just be there, new spaces started to exist in my mind. It made me branch out and be more creative without any rules. You feel free of academic handcuffs.

One of the other students wrote a poem, and it was inspiring as to what could be achieved through this method! The session helped me focus on what I really want and what I’m doing. I also started thinking about how I can apply this methodology to other areas of my life—to give myself more freedom, absorb the learning experience, and not be afraid of getting answers wrong. Letting me learn to acquire knowledge, not learn to pass a test and then forget the information. It broadened my mind in that sense."

3. How was the collaboration with the teachers? What was the atmosphere like?
"I really liked it. Beforehand, I didn’t expect to see my lecturers more as equals and people. Normally, you put them on a pedestal, but in these workshops, we were collaborating as equals. We could laugh, joke, be honest, and be listened to. It was useful and refreshing because a lot of times, students feel like their opinion doesn’t really matter or is not valid against what the lecturers might know. After these workshops, I felt more part of the university. I really enjoyed and appreciated that. I think the teachers liked it as well!"

Portrait Georgy Vecchiet

4. How did you experience the set-up of the workshops?
We met every two weeks. Each session started with us sitting in a circle and catching up on how we had been doing. Then we began working on the tasks. The sessions were interactive and relaxed, which made them quite enjoyable."

5. What do you take away from it? Are you satisfied with the result?
"As a first-year student at university, I remember being a bit shocked by the lack of interactivity in lectures. Over the years you acclimatise to this style of teaching however, these workshops gave me hope that university education won’t always be like that. They also provided a mental break from traditional learning methods.

It gave me hope that people are open to nature-based learning and other ways of thinking and learning. That being said, I think our group had a bias towards being open to this way of learning because we were all students from Environment and Resource Management. Many environmental courses can leave you feeling negative due to heavy lectures about the direction the world’s heading to. These workshops were a great way to connect with each other and with what we’re learning about."

6. Would you recommend other faculties to start working this way?
"Absolutely! It might be difficult to apply it strongly in all faculties, but I think several courses and faculties could benefit from it. Visual thinking strategies and nature based learning sessions are good ways to experiment with different ways of thinking. So, why not? Furthermore, it could be a good opportunity for lecturers to experiment with how they teach and understand the materials they teach. And if it does not work well, there are always the traditional methods to fall back on. Benefits of using this method is clear, and I commend anyone for showing bravery in trying something new to try and achieve these."

7. Anything else you’d like to share?
"Programmes like this should be considered seriously and promoted more, especially towards lecturers. One of the conversations we had in the group was about not having enough time for these kind of sessions, due to planning and schedules. I really hope lecturers understand the benefits for them as well. If they are open to acquiring new ways of thinking via an open dialogue between students and teachers, NBL is a great way to become more equal partners in learning. I know as a student the effort alone would be greatly appreciated."

Contact and more information

Are you interested in an Art Based Learning or Changing stories session for your team, department or course?

If so, please contact Jessy la Faille,


Jessy la Faille

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