On this page you read inspiring examples of how these methodologies can be integrated in (higher) education, and who you can connect with if you want to get started yourself.
'The Evolving Canvas'
In the project “The Evolving Canvas: Art, Nature, and Visual Thinking in Higher Education for Transformative Learning, Empowering Sustainability Leaders of Tomorrow,” faculty and students are taking up the challenge together to foster a holistic and transformative learning experience among students.
Goal of this project is to redesign instruction within the undergraduate Anthropology programme and several courses of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) to incorporate Art & Nature Based Learning and Visual Thinking Strategies. Integrating these innovative teaching methods into the curriculum aims to foster essential skills such as creativity, empathy and critical thinking among students. These skills are essential for students to understand and address both the substantive and personal challenges that arise during their studies.They also help them grow into empathetic leaders who play a meaningful role in the society of the future.
Redesign Guide available
Curious about the initial findings, results and how to use these for your education? Then read the Redesign Guide 'The Evolving Canvas: Art, Nature, and Visual Thinking in Higher Education for Transformative Learning, Empowering Sustainability Leaders of Tomorrow'. You can access the .pdf directly here.
Involved trainers/consultants
- Jessy la Faille - Art & Nature Based Learning
- Jaro Pichel - Art & Nature Based Learning
- Saskia van de Vies - Visual Thinking Strategies
Want to get started yourself?
Are you curious about the possibilities of (re)designing lessons using the principles of Art Based & Nature Based Learning and Visual Thinking Strategies? If so, please contact Jessy la Faille, j.la.faille@vu.nl.