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Highlights from the Third Edition of Work & Change in Healthcare Research Jam

22 March 2024
The Third Edition of Work & Change in Healthcare Research Jam, organized by Mohammad Rezazade Mehrizi (KIN Center for Digital Innovation), Giulia Cappellaro (Bocconi School of Management), and Sylvaine Tuncer (King's Business School), took place in Milan on March 15th. The event brought together scholars and practitioners from around the globe, including participants from Italy, the UK, Denmark, the US, France, the Netherlands and others, to delve into discussions surrounding AI and digitalization in healthcare settings.

This year, Willem Grootjans, a researcher from the Radiology Department of Leiden University Medical Center, opened the event with the keynote presentation, which was especially well-received by the professionals traditionally invited to join the Research Jam.

The event, attended by over 28 participants featured a range of insightful studies. Among them, Kasper Trolle Elmholdt from the Center for Information Systems Management (Aalborg University) presented a study on navigating data-based governance in frontline healthcare. Charitini Stavropoulou, from the School of Health Sciences (University of London), discussed the implementation of AI tools in radiology in the English NHS. Sylvaine Tuncer, from King’s Business School (King's College London), explored surgeon collaboration in robotic operating theatres. Anastasia Sergeeva and Maura Soekijad, representing the KIN Center for Digital Innovation (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), examined constructing the role of robots in healthcare. Marjolaine Rostain, from Warwick Business School (University of Warwick), presented a study on uncertainty of AI, while Giulia Cappellaro, from the Bocconi School of Management (Bocconi University), discussed professional-AI interaction in ophthalmology. Researchers, hailing from diverse fields, such as sociology of work/profession, organizational structure, and healthcare management economics, brought their unique perspectives to the table, resulting in lively and insightful discussions.

The event, hosted by CERGAS - SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, concluded with anticipation for future editions of Work & Change in Healthcare Research Jam.

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