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Do you need an alcohol break? Recognise the signs

5 November 2024
Unsure if you need an alcohol break? We have listed a number of signs for you. Even if you do not, or partly, recognise yourself in this list, drinking less alcohol has benefits: your sleep quality improves, you feel fitter, you have better focus, sharper memory and you become mentally stronger.

Signs that you need an alcohol break:

  • You've been drinking more often or more frequently lately
  • Your alcohol consumption has negative effects on your daily life, such as not fulfilling obligations
  • You drink alcohol to avoid feeling negative feelings
  • You go beyond your own limits in relation to your alcohol consumption
  • You can't stop after the first drink

Easier to say no

Friends can sometimes react negatively if you stop drinking (temporarily). Drinking yes is often the norm at parties and dinners. This can make it difficult to say "no" in social situations. But fortunately, ordering low-alcohol or free drinks is becoming more common.

Supply at events at VU Amsterdam

Consuming alcohol is allowed on campus as long as it is outside of educational activities. We also offer plenty of attractive alcohol-free choices for students and staff who do not (want to) drink. This allows everyone to feel welcome and comfortable at our events.

Help with drinking less

Would you like to reduce or stop drinking? Then check out the student welfare page for more information and all the options VU offers. VU employees can contact the company doctor, company social work (BMW) or a confidential counsellor for this. The conversation is confidential and referral is possible.

Guidelines 'Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam'

In 2023, the Executive Board compiled the document 'Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam'. This contains all the steps needed to discuss and reduce problematic alcohol use. This applies not only to VU Amsterdam, but also to study, student and sports associations affiliated to VU Amsterdam.

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