The independent position of the examination board in relation to the board of the institution (i.e., in the case of VU, the faculty board) has been confirmed and strengthened by the amendment to the HRA (Versterking besturing). Regarding the independence of the examination board from the institutional board, the Explanatory Memorandum notes the following:
"The functional independence of the examination board from the Executive Board means that although the examination board is established by the Executive Board, the institution must ensure that the examination boards within the institution can perform their work independently. This also means, for example, that the Executive Board cannot impose obligations on the examination board regarding the assessment of students. The board does remain ultimately responsible for the quality of education and degree 27; an examination board must act within the boundaries of the education and examination regulations. This also ensures that the method of examination fits within the framework of the program."
What is essential is that the examination board can perform its duties as a "watchful eye" (or, in other words: internal supervisor) from an independent position and - for this reason - does not take over tasks or responsibilities from the program director.
In other words, the faculty board sets the Education and Examination Regulations and is thus ultimately responsible for the quality of education. The examination board tests whether the student meets the requirements set in the ER and after this testing, the institution grants the degree of Bachelor or Master.
In addition to its independence in terms of its position in the organization with respect to those responsible for the quality of education (faculty board, program director), the independence of the examination board must also be reflected in its composition.
- An examination board will always have at least one external member.
- Managers with financial responsibility cannot be included in the examination board.