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Research Committees and Consultative Bodies FSS

Last updated on 29 April 2024
The faculty has a number of research committees and consultative bodies, each with its own specific role, which are presented below.

Faculty Research Management Meetings (FOZ)

The ‘FOZ’ is a faculty consultative body with those responsible for research. This includes the research managers of the departments, the ISR theme leaders and the ISR program director, under the leadership of the research portfolio holder and with support of the Research Support Office. The current staffing of the FOZ is as follows:

  • Jacquelien van Stekelenburg – portfolio holder reseacrh and valorization (chair)
  • Joris Rijbroek – program director ISR
  • Tijs van den Broek– research manager department Organization Sciences
  • Loes Aaldering– research manager department Political Science and Public Administration
  • Bianca Suanet – reseacrh manager department Sociology
  • Dimitris Dalakoglou – research manager department Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Mariken van der Velden – research manager Communication Science
  • Isjah Koppejan – head of Research Support Office
  • Rob Kloppenburg – research policy officer (secretary)

The FOZ aims to:

  • Exchange relevant information and developments in the field of research,
  • Coordinate efforts on behalf of the ISR agenda
  • Act as a sounding board for preparation and evaluation of faculty research policy.

Research Assessment Board (RAB)

The Research Assessment Board (RAB) is an advisory consultative body consisting of five independant authoritative researchers from the faculty. The main tasks and responsibilities of the RAB are:

  • Monitor the quality of faculty research and provide solicited and unsolicited advice to the Faculty Board, the Research Portfolio Holder and ISR Research Director;
  • Assessing the quality of  (VI and ERC) research proposals in the context of the faculty support process for prestigious (personal) grants;
  • Assessing the quality of self-studies in the context of research reviews;
  • Discussing and advising the GSSS Director on the yearly progress reports of PhD candidates and promoters;
  • Advising the the GSSS Director in case of serious doubts regarding a GSSS admission request
  • Advising the Head of Department and/or GSSS Director in case of serious doubts or intentions to take a negative decision on the request to continue the PhD trajectory on the basis of a ‘Go/No Go’ paper.

The current staffing of the RAB is as follows:  

  • Maurice Crul (chair)
  • Wouter van Atteveldt
  • Wolfgang Wagner
  • Eva-Maria Merz
  • Eva van Roekel
  • Rob Kloppenburg (secretary)

Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC)

The faculty’s RERC advises both individual researchers as the entire faculty on ethical aspects of research. The RERC is formally established by the faculty and consists of members representing the diverse research traditions of the faculty. The support of the RERC is provided by the Research Support Office.

More info on Research Ethics Review: see Webpage RERC

The current staffing of the RERC is as follows:

Female Talent Committee

The Werkgroep Vrouwelijk Talent (WVT; Female Talent Committee) in FSS was established to encourage female talent in the faculty to conduct high quality research and enhance career opportunities on the academic ladder. Once young female talents achieve succes immediately after graduation and at the beginning of their careers, it increases their later chances of advancing to top positions.

More info: see Webpage Female Talent Committee

The current staffing of the Female Talent Committee is as follows:  

  • Bianca Beersma (chair)
  • Elly Konijn
  • Eva-Maria Merz
  • Romy van der Lee
  • Marieke Slootman
  • Özlem Terzi
  • Peggy van Minkelen (secretary)