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Research Ethics Review FSS

Last updated on 13 January 2025
What is the Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC)?

The Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) provides ethics guidance and a standardized review procedure to ensure that research complies with the faculty's ethical standards. It serves as a crucial resource for researchers to navigate potential ethical challenges and ensure the integrity of their work. Each time you begin a research project, you will need to check that your research is aligned with the faculty's ethical guidelines. This page will guide you through the required steps.

The RERC meets monthly, typically on the first Monday of each month (see dates below).


Philipp Masur (chair), Communication Science                                  
Aniko Horvath (vice-chair), Organization Science
Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Sociology
Luisa Schneider, Anthropology                                                               
Ronald van Steden, Political Science and Public Administration
Emily Barabas (secretary), Research Data Steward for FSS

About the Review

Before you collect any data in your project, you will always need to do a self-check to screen for potential ethics and knowledge security issues. Depending on the results, an additional full review and/or knowledge security review may be required. Please see below for detailed instructions. If you are a Master's student or PhD candidate, please carefully read the section for Master's student and PhD candidates below.

Detailed Instructions

  • Overview of Steps (Start Here)

    1. Self-Check: Before you collect any data in your project, you will always need to do a self-check to screen for potential ethics and knowledge security issues. If the self-check indicates that there are no issues, you will receive an automatic email confirmation of the result. You are now ready to start your research. Keep in mind that your research must be conducted as presented in the self-check. For example, if you indicated that you will obtain informed consent from your participants, you must not only do so, but make sure the implementation is in line with faculty requirements for informed consent (see templates below). If you committed to debriefing participants, make sure that you implement a comprehensive debriefing procedure after your study. In case the self-check indicates ethics issues, proceed with step 2. If the self-check indicates knowledge security issues, consider step 4.
    2. Contact Department Representative: Discuss with your department's RERC member whether revisions to the research design can resolve ethics issues. If you revise your research design, repeat the self-check. If it is not possible to resolve issues though this informal process, you will need to request a full review. Proceed with step 3.
    3. Full Ethics Review: You will need to complete an application for full review and provide additional information. Details about the full review are below. Reviews take time. The RERC requires at least two weeks (14 calendar days) to evaluate your application and must subsequently discuss your application at the next monthly meeting (upcoming meeting dates are below). Thus, you must submit your complete application at least two weeks (14 calendar days) before the monthly meeting for it to be considered in that meeting. Bear in mind, if concerns remain, you may need to resubmit your application.
    4. Knowledge Security Review: Submit a completed knowledge security questionnaire (details below) to the RERC or request assistance in filling it out. The RERC will then evaluate knowledge security risks of your proposal and pass on a recommendation to the faculty board.
  • Self-Check

    The self-check is the starting point for ethics and knowledge security review. It is mandatory for all new research projects. The self-check form consists of a series of yes/no questions about possible risks in your research.

    If the result is that your research does not need further review, you can start your research.

    If the result is that your research needs further ethics review, consider whether identified risks can be avoided by adapting your research plan. Discuss your research plan with your supervisor and your department’s RERC member. Send the self-check result to your department's RERC member. Revise your research plan to resolve issues. Complete the self-check again based on the revised plan. If it is not possible to resolve issues though this informal process, a full review will be required. See Full Ethics Review section below.

    If the result is that your research needs further knowledge security review, see Knowledge Security section below.

    Link to online self-check form

    Preview of self-check form in PDF format

  • Full Ethics Review

    * Note that only research project leaders can submit an application for ethics review. If you are a master's student, see below.

    You will first need to fill out the online application form linked below. Within the application form you will be asked to provide the following items. Please use templates provided in hyperlinks for these items:

    • A short description of the research questions, the societal and scientific relevance of the research, and the research design (max. 1 A4); 
    • the information for participants,
    • the consent form, (English/Dutch), and privacy statement (if applicable) (English/Dutch)
    • the research materials (manipulations, questionnaire, topic list),
    • the data management plan (DMP Online)

    Once your application is received, the secretary will screen it. Be ready to answer clarification questions and revise, resubmit, or add materials. When your application is complete, two members of the RERC will review it. The full RERC will discuss your research at the next meeting. The RERC meets once a month during the academic season, typically on the first Monday of the month between 13:00-14:30. 

    End 2024/Spring 2025 meetings:

    • 3 December 2024
    • 6 January 2025
    • 3 February 2025
    • 3 March 2025
    • 7 April 2025
    • 12 May 2025 (note: This meeting is one week later than usual due to the 5 May holiday)
    • 2 June 2025

    The committee requires at least two weeks to study your application and must subsequently discuss your application at the next monthly meeting. Thus, you must submit your complete application at least two weeks (14 calendar days) before the monthly meeting for it to be considered in that meeting. Bear in mind, if concerns remain, you may need to resubmit your application.

    Link to online Ethics review application form

    Preview of Ethics review application form in PDF format 

  • Knowledge Security

    The VU Knowledge Security Framework came into force on 1 September 2023. This framework ensures that international cooperation can take place in a safe manner. It supports the consideration of whether to enter a collaboration with a person, institution, funder, or client. This means that when entering international cooperation and/or relationships for research, education, and business operations, everyone must always answer the questions in this framework before a collaboration can be entered. There are two types of scenarios where you might need a knowledge security evaluation. First, in relation to a research project. Second, when hiring or initiating an academic collaboration with an international partner.

    1. If the self-check has indicated that you need to fill out a knowledge security questionnaire, send the completed form to the RERC or request assistance in filling it out. The RERC will then evaluate knowledge security risks of your proposal and pass on a recommendation to the faculty board.
    2. If you need to do a knowledge security check related to hiring or an academic collaboration with an international partner, complete the 6-question survey here. If you respond "yes" to any of the 6 questions, you need to fill out a knowledge security questionnaire, send the completed form to the RERC or request assistance in filling it out. The RERC will then evaluate knowledge security risks of your proposal and pass on a recommendation to the faculty board.

    Additional information on knowledge security: Knowledge security for VU Amsterdam employees

  • Information for Master's Students and PhD Candidates

    If you are a Master's student, work with your supervisor on the self-check. If there are ethics issues identified in your self-check, consult with your supervisor. In general, a full review is only conducted on a Master's project if the supervisor plans to publish based on the student's work. If this is the case, the supervisor must submit the project for full review before the research begins. Master's students never submit an application for full review independently.

    If you are a PhD candidate, you are eligible for full review, if necessary. You must work closely with your supervisor in preparing and submitting materials for the full review.

  • Video explanation - Research Review step by step

Further information


Contact the RERC secretary, Emily Barabas, for any questions

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