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Stimulation Grant for PhD researchers RCH

Last updated on 29 July 2022
As of 2013, the Faculty of Law has the Stimulation Grant for PhD researchers. In 2022, € 6000 is available for this grant.

The purpose of this grant is to stimulate successful PhD researchers into:

  • Contributing towards the faculty research profile abroad;
  • Improving international contacts between the faculty and other research institutes;
  • Improving the reputation of the quality of the faculty’s research projects. The requested activity must contribute towards realizing this goal.

This grant can be requested at the Graduate School. A request consists of:

  • a brief description of the plan as well as a budget.

The request should also make plain that the activity contributes towards:

  • The PhD project of the applicant;
  • The exchange of knowledge and research insights with international colleagues;
  • The internationalization of the faculty;
  • The increase of international contact between researchers of the faculty and other research institutes.

In order to provide multiple PhD researchers with the opportunity to use the  grant, a single researcher can request a maximum of  € 2000 each year. Requests are only considered when the PhD researcher’s own funds are (nearly) depleted.

For more information you can contact the Graduate School: