Young researchers often run into the same issues in their work. The need may arise to reach new insights together with other peers - colleagues who have a similar job. In peer coaching, you help each other in groups under the guidance of a facilitator with work-related questions and bottlenecks. You discuss cases and come up with new ideas and solutions.
About the programme
Under the guidance of a facilitator, 8 to 10 peers come together to help each other with work and job-related issues and obstacles during structured meetings. You discuss case histories using an efficient question-based approach and discover new insights. What is discussed is confidential. The facilitator ensures that a safe environment is created in which everyone can contribute her or his ideas and suggestions freely. Each meeting, you focus on a different practical work situation. During the group sessions you can share anything you are struggling with in your work. For example: How do I deal with the expectations of my supervisor? How do I deal with the high workload?
You can sign up for the programme as a facilitator or as a peer. The selected 10 participants who indicate they want to become facilitators of a peer coaching group will receive a training that consists of 4 group meetings and an individual coaching session.
In March, facilitators will start the first part of their online training to learn how to guide the intervision sessions. After this session, they plan 5 meetings of 1.5 to 2 hours with their own intervision group after each training session in which they can put what they have learned into practice. Both the training and intervision sessions will take place from March to September 2026. After the last intervision session, you can decide as a group to continue the sessions on your own.
Registration and the costs
This program is offered every two years. The new round of intervision starts in January 2026 and is intended for PhD students who are affiliated with VU Amsterdam at least until October 2026. We want to emphasise that peer coaching can only be a success if everyone is committed and attends the meetings. Participation is subject to registration fees.
From 5 January 2026 you can register if you are interested in participating as a facilitator or peer. For more information, please contact Lidy Stassen.