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Campus grounds and public space

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Last updated on 24 October 2022
Did you know that Corporate Real Estate and Facilities (FCO) is responsible for the management and maintenance of all public spaces at VU Amsterdam? And did you know that you can book the outdoor sports facilities on campus via the FCO Service Desk?

On the campus grounds, all bike paths, playing fields and paved and landscaped areas are maintained by FCO. In and around the buildings, FCO not only takes care of repairs and maintenance but also ensures a safe working environment. The security department provides supervision and surveillance, and each building is given a thorough inspection on a weekly basis. During these inspection rounds, FCO staff check installations, make sure that there are no unsafe situations in the corridors and check the accessibility of the escape routes. Any items found blocking an emergency exit will be removed without consultation.

Want to report a hazardous situation? Or provide comments or suggestions on how we should design public spaces?

For reports and/or suggestions, contact the FCO Service Desk or the reception desk for the building concerned.

Would you like to book a playing field or organise an event on the VU grounds?

If you want to organise an event or sports activities on the VU grounds (or in one of the buildings), you must always let us know in advance or submit a request to the FCO Service Desk. The Service Desk employee will pass this information on to the responsible departments, including security. They will then contact you to discuss the possibilities and any security measures that need to be taken.

Planning a fun event? Or perhaps you want to hand out flyers in public spaces?

Would you like to organise an activity, distribute a flyer or draw attention to your cause in another way? This is only allowed under strict conditions. Contact the FCO Service Desk to find out more. They will be happy to help you. See also ‘Promotional activities’.

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Please contact the FCO Service desk

VU Main building KC01b
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam