Policy documents
HR policy documents are available via: 'Policy documents FGB'.
Contactdetails HR
Below the contactdetails of our HR Advisors per department.
Marjolein Vloothuis
- Biological Psychology
- Clinical, Neuro- & Developmental Psychology
- Green Office
- Sustainability Office
- Informatica, Technics and Media (TO3)
T: +31 (0)20 598 8837
E: m.i.vloothuis-vander.horst@vu.nl
Claudia Reitsma
- Educational and Family Studies
- Tutors Psychology
- Education Desk
T: +31 (0)20 598 6644
Saba Khan-Kool
- Experimental and Applied Psychology
- Human Movement Sciences
- Faculty Desk
- Research Desk (REPS)
T: +31 (0)20 598 1259
HR Service Desk
T: +31 (20) 598 2882
General Questions
For general questions about personnel schemes and/or the use of the online Self Services, please contact the HR Service Desk (available from Monday to Friday). You can reach them by telephone on (020) 59 82882 or by e-mail at servicedesk.hrm@vu.nl.
Company doctor, company social worker and confidential advisor
Company doctor
To make an appointment with the company doctor, please contact the secretariat of Health, Safety & Environment (secretariaat.amd@vu.nl).
Company social worker
You can make an appointment with the occupational health and safety worker on referral from the company doctor, manager or HR Advisor. To make an appointment with the occupational health and safety officer, please contact the Health and Safety Executive (secretariaat.amd@vu.nl).
Confidential counsellors
VU employees can contact the confidential counsellors if they encounter undesirable behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour includes but is not limited to: discrimination, (sexual) intimidation, stalking, bullying, aggression, violence. Overview of confidential counsellors.