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Behavioural and Movement Sciences - getting started

The Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences (FGB) of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is unique within the broad domain of behaviour and health due to the combination of the disciplines of psychology, education and movement sciences. The faculty contributes to a better understanding of the way in which behaviour and movement come about and how these can be influenced, so that physical and mental health are promoted and performance is being improved.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences consists of 6 departments: Biological psychology; Clinical, Neuro- and Developmental psychology; Educational and Family studies; Experimental and Applied psychology; Human Movement sciences; and the University Centre for Behaviour and Movement (UCGB). The departments are supported by faculty services (education office, TO3, communication & marketing, privacy champions, and others) and department services (secretariats, department managers, data stewards). FGB has approximately 450 FTE / 600 employees and 4,000 students.




  • Education Office
  • Bachelor programmes
  • (Research) Master's Programmes
  • Minors
  • Exchange programmes
  • Obtaining a PhD


  • Graduate School                                            
  • Research programmes
  • Research Institutes
  • Associated research schools
  • Academic workplaces  

Research Support


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